| Call for volunteers to join Cross-Community Working Group tasked to develop a proposal(s) for the mechanism that should be developed in order to allocate the New gTLD Auction Proceeds |
| GNSO Council Unanimously adopts consensus recommendations from the GNSO Bylaws Drafting Team |
| GNSO Council votes to approve a proposed final framework for future cross community working groups |
| GNSO Council votes to approve appointment of an Interim GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community Administration |
| GNSO Council unanimously decides to validate the FY17 Budget and Cost-Control Processes for the CCWG-Accountability |
| Call for participation - Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues Policy Development Process (PDP) Implementation Review Team (IRT) |
| GNSO Council modifies GNSO operating procedures relating to elections and motions |
| Call for Volunteers: GNSO Review Working Group |
| GNSO Council approves of Primary and Secondary Liaison Candidates for the Customer Standing Committee |
| GNSO Council approves of Primary and Secondary Liaison Candidates for the Customer Standing Committee |
| James Bladel, GNSO Council Chair, Discusses the Community's Reaction to the New Meeting Format |
| GNSO Council votes to permanently Integrate Successful PDP Improvements into the GNSO Policy Development Process |
| GNSO Council Votes to Create a Drafting Team to Further Develop Recommendations to Implement the GNSO's new Roles and Obligations under the Revised ICANN Bylaws |
| GNSO Council Votes to Extend the Term of the Current GNSO Liaison to the GAC and Confirms the Extended Timeline for the Selection Process for the next GNSO liaison to the GAC |
| Call for Volunteers: Implementation Review Team |
| Call for Volunteers: GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures |
| Call for Volunteers: New GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group to Establish a Policy Framework for a Next-Generation gTLD Registration Directory Service to Replace WHOIS (Next-Gen RDS) |
| Welcome from James Bladel, Newly Elected GNSO Chair |
| Jonathan Robinson Looks to ICANN54 and Beyond |
| Call for RSVPs | GNSO Working Group Newcomer Open House Session | 4 June 2015 at 20:00 UTC |