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Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting 12 May 2016

Last Updated:

Agenda and Documents

Coordinated Universal Time: 12:00 UTC:
05:00 Los Angeles; 08:00 Washington; 13:00 London; 15:00 Istanbul; 22:00 Hobart

List of attendees:
NCA – Non Voting – Carlos Raúl Gutierrez
Contracted Parties House
Registrar Stakeholder Group: James Bladel-absent proxy to Donna Austin, Volker Greimann-absent Proxy to Jennifer Gore, Jennifer Gore
gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group: Donna Austin, Keith Drazek, Rubens Kühl
Nominating Committee Appointee (NCA): Hsu Phen Valerie Tan
Non-Contracted Parties House
Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG): Philip Corwin, Susan Kawaguchi, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Tony Harris, Paul McGrady, Heather Forrest
Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG): Amr Elsadr, Stephanie Perrin, David Cake, Stefania Milan – absent, apologies proxy to Stephanie Perrin, Edward Morris, Marilia Maciel
Nominating Committee Appointee (NCA): Julf (Johan) Helsingius

GNSO Council Liaisons/Observers:
Olivier Crèpin LeBlond– ALAC Liaison
Patrick Myles - ccNSO Observer
Mason Cole – GNSO liaison to the GAC

David Olive - VP Policy Development – absent apologies
Marika Konings - Senior Policy Director
Rob Hoggarth - Senior Policy Director
Mary Wong – Senior Policy Director
Julie Hedlund – Policy Director
Steve Chan - Senior Policy Manager
Berry Cobb – Policy Consultant
Lars Hoffmann – Policy Analyst
David Tait – Policy Analyst
Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat
Nathalie Perigrine - Secretariat Services Coordinator, GNSO
Mike Brennan - Meetings Technical Services Specialist

Krista Papac -Director, Registry Services & Engagement
Francisco Arias -Director, Technical Services

MP3 Recording
Adobe Chat Transcript

Heather Forrest, GNSO Council vice chair, chaired the GNSO Council Meeting in the absence of James Bladel.

Item 1: Administrative matters

1.1 – Roll call

1.2 – Updates to Statements of Interest

No update of Statements of Interest

1.3 – Review/amend agenda.

1.4 – Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meetings per the GNSO Operating Procedures:
GNSO Council meeting Minutes, 14 April 2016 are posted as approved on 29 April 2016.

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List

2.1 – Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action List

SSAC liaison:
James Bladel summarised a meeting with Patrik Fältström in an email posted to the Council mailserver list on the 22nd of April 2016 and posted further comments on the 8th of May 2016.
Marika Konings, following up on the comments, posed the question whether the Council would like to revive a defunct mailing list for SSAC reports and discussion.
Further discussion to be dealt with on the Council mailing list.
Encourage Councillors to comments on Marika Koning's email of the 9th May 2016.

IETF Collaboration
James Bladel posted notes from his formal meeting held on the 8th of May 2016.
Follow up in Helsinki

GNSO liaison to the GAC
Reminder to submit nominations for GNSO liaison to the GAC following the procedures agreed upon in Marrakech, March 2016

Item 3: Consent agenda

3.1 – Council confirmation of Kathy Kleiman, Philip Corwin and J. Scott Evans as co-chairs for the RPM Review PDP Working Group.
Voting results

Item 4: DISCUSSION – “Meeting B” (ICANN Policy Forum) Scheduling

Donna Austin noted that the meeting preparations were advancing well. The next phase in the process is getting a better understanding of the format for the non-conflicted sessions, who will run them and the anticipated outcomes.

Privacy and Proxy was originally on the non-conflicted schedule but it will now take place within the GAC. There is no intention to have any further discussion outside of the GAC.

Stakeholder Groups and constituencies will have the possibility of holding meetings.

There will be an ICANN sponsored cocktail reception at the end of each day and on Monday night a reception at the Helsinki Town Hall


  • GNSO SG/Cs that wish to meet during ICANN56 to submit all meeting requests to Glen by 18 May 2016
  • Chairs/staff to request meeting with the ICANN Board (topics to include IGO and Red Cross protections – see Agenda Item 7)

Item 5: DISCUSSION – Status of Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance

Carlos Gutierrez referred to the status update submitted to the Council and mentioned that he collaborated closely with Olivier Crépin-leBlond, ALAC Liaison and Rafik Dammak, co-chair of the Working Group.

Olivier Crépin-Leblond referred to the ALAC Statement and expressed concern that there are some countries that believe the Internet has reached the level where resources become critical Internet resources and that allocation of IP addresses should be done a per country basis by the national telecom regulation agency which could eventually take away some of the IANA functions from IANA itself, or post-transition IANA.


  • Carlos Gutierrez to reach out to Rafik Dammak (one of the CCWG-IG co-chairs)
  • Council to continue to discuss preferred actions and next steps with regard to ongoing reporting requirements and the nature of the structure of the CCWG-IG

Item 6: DISCUSSION – Implementation of the IANA Stewardship Transition Plan

Heather Forrest reminded Council of three essential questions:

1. Should the GNSO Council submit a public comment on the new bylaws? (note closing date for GNSO comments is the 21st of May 2016).

2. What concerns does the Council have with elements of the proposed implementation plan for the transition and how to go about addressing them?

3. How would the Council go about identifying and addressing the implementation of the GNSO structure and operations arising from the new Bylaws and develop mechanisms in the GNSO to sanction the Empowered Community.

Donna Austin provided Council with the following presentation.


  • Paul McGrady to provide a draft of the Council comments on the Draft New Bylaws for the Council to review as soon as possible (public comment period closes on 21 May 2016. (comment to note that Bylaws should take into account all comments that had been sent in by the GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies in relation to the CCWG-Accountability recommendations)
  • Council to continue to discuss imminent and necessary actions to ensure that the GNSO can comply with its new obligations relating to the Customer Standing Committee that is to be created as part of the IANA stewardship transition process.
  • Councilwill discuss additional obligations created under the new Bylaws for the GNSO in Helsinki (staff to provide table/paper as discussion aid)

Item 7: DISCUSSION – Next Steps in Resolving the Issue of Permanent Protection of Certain Red Cross Identifiers

Discussion indicated that this is an issue for the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board.
One goal or targeted takeaway from Helsinki could be to clearly understand whether or not it is possible (and desirable) to separate Red Cross concerns from those of IGO/INGOs.


  • Councilors to provide feedback on the draft letter to the Board regarding Red Cross protections by COB in their respective time zones on Monday 16 May 2016.
  • Staff to schedule and conduct webinar detailing history and status of work on Red Cross and IGO protections for the GNSO Council as soon as possible.

Item 8: DISCUSSION - Possible Integration of the Pending Implementation of the Translation & Transliteration of gTLD Contact Data PDP Recommendations with the implementation of Thick WHOIS

Francisco Arias provided the Council with an Update.
Council discussion indicated that there was not a strong feeling to integrate the pending implementation of the Translation and Transliteration of gTLD Contact Data PDP recommendations with the implementation of Thick WHOIS. If this did not happen it would not impact the timing of the transition from thick to thin WHOIS, but it would impact the Consistent Label and Display and cause a delay of six months.

This topic is expected to be further discussed with the Registrars and Registries at the upcoming Global Domains Division Summit.

Item 9: Call for volunteers for Council liaisons


  • Liaison to Rights Protection Mechanisms Review WG – Heather Forrest
  • Liaison to Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) –C Implementation Review Team (IRT) – Jennifer Gore
  • Liaison to Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) –D Implementation Review Team (IRT) – Jennifer Gore
  • Liaison to IGO-INGO Protections in All gTLDs Implementation Review Team (IRT)– Keith Drazek


  • Staff to add the new liaisons to the relevant mailing lists and discussions

Item 12: Any Other Business

Donna Austin provided Council with an update on the Global Domains Division Summit, a meeting of the Registries and Registrars that will take place in Amsterdam during the third week of May 2016.

Heather Forrest adjourned the GNSO Council meeting and thanked everyone for their participation.

The meeting was adjourned at 13:56 UTC.

The next GNSO Council Public meeting will take place in Helsinki onThursday, 2016 at 07:45 UTC. (10:45 Helsinki)
For other places see: