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ccNSO-GAC Working Group Telephone Conference (09 February 2007)

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Donna Austin, ICANN

Keith Davidson, .nz

Chris Disspain, .au

Keith Drazek, .us

Oscar Robles, .mx

Gabi Schittek, ccNSO Secretariat


Chris Disspain informed that the joint ccNSO-GAC-IDN Group has now been formed, with a vast number of people on its email list. Chris sent out an email on Monday 5th as a welcome and to introduce the participants to the topic.

The intention is to come up with a joint meeting paper in time for the meeting. It was unsure whether the ccNSO-GAC-IDN group should have a separate meeting on the topic, or to meet within the regular GAC/ccNSO meeting. It was felt that the Working Group probably will want to meet itself and a three hour session was suggested to take place on Wednesday (28th March), of which the main part will be devoted to explain IDN basics.

It was asked whether the group has a formal chairman. Chris explained that there hasn�t been any appointments done so far, however, he is acting chair for the cc side.

ICANN Geographic Regions

It was discussed how to explain to the GAC that ccTLD managers would like to do some amendments to the current ICANN regions. Especially the Arab countries (split between the Asia-Pacific- and African region), as well as several nations outside North America�s cost (but counted as part of the European region) feel that the ICANN regions need to be redefined.

The group was informed that there is a Regions Working Group, which intends to produce a paper in time for the ICANN meeting in Lisbon. It was suggested to liaise with the chairman of the group, David Archbold, to come up with a strategy in time for the joint GAC meeting. David gave a presentation on the issue at the ICANN meeting in Sao Paulo, which the ccNSO-GAC Working Group should look at to get a reminder of some of the issues raised. It was, however, felt that it would need some amendments done before it could be shown to the GAC itself, as its current tone was somewhat strong.

Another suggestion was to receive input on the matter from all regional organisations.

Chris Disspain is to send a note to the ccNSO list, asking members to consult their respective regional organisation.

Clause 63 WSIS Tunis Outcome

It was felt that the topic had been covered more than enough, and it was therefore some uncertainty on how to move forward on the issue. The general feeling was, however, to just leave it for now. It was explained that the reason for why it had been raised by some GAC members, was to use it as a way to put back the GAC Principles on the table again.

Future Meetings

It was felt there was no need for another conference call before the Lisbon meeting. The participants decided to meet on Sunday evening (25th March) around 6pm. The ccNSO Secretariat is to arrange a meeting room. If this is not possible, the meeting will take place in the Executive Club.