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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (20th July 2004)

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DRAFT Minutes - ccNSO Council Meeting

4:25pm, 20 July 2004 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In Attendance:

Paulos B Nyirenda (Africa)

Olivier Guillard (Europe)

Victor Ciza (Africa)

Bart Boswinkel (Europe)

Petr Kral (Europe)

Eduardo Santoyo (Latin America and Caribbean)

Oscar Robles-Garay (Latin America and Caribbean)

Patricio Poblete (Latin America and Caribbean)

Chris Disspain (Asia Pacific)

Young Eum Lee (Asia Pacific)

Yann Kwok (Africa)

Fernando Espana (North America)

Hirofumi Hotta (Asia Pacific)


Dotty Sparks de Blanc (North America)

Bernie Turcotte (North America)


Bart Boswinkel nominated Chris Disspain as chair for meeting, Oscar Robles-Garay seconded. Affirmed by all.

The Council affirms the draft guiding principles suggested at the Members meeting on 19 July. These are

  1. The ccNSO is a bottom up organization where the members give guidance to the Council, as stated in the bylaws;
  2. The ccNSO is open and transparent to members and non-members
  3. The ccNSO will operate transparently and in public, wherever possible and on a non-discriminatory basis
  4. There should be minimum periods of notice for meetings and votes
  5. There should be a minimum turnout or quorum for a vote to be valid, with a regional representation.
  6. The ccNSO operates on the principle of one member, one vote.
  7. The ccNSO should be able to make decisions both at face to face (including teleconference) meetings and also by electronic ballot.
  8. The ccNSO wishes to allow non members to participate in discussions on issues before the ccNSO.

Council has received guidance on a number of issues from members and based on that will today commence the setting up of various working groups.

There will be no resolutions about the Rules and Procedures which are still currently before the members for approval but the Council noted the high level of consensus amongst members present and anticipates the Rules and Procedures being finalised soon.

All of the decisions made below are based upon the consensus reached at the ccNSO members meeting. However, these minutes will be circulated to all members and no action will be taken on any of the decisions below until members not present at the meeting have had an opportunity to object.

Accountability Framework

A working group will be set up to liaise with ICANN staff about accountability frameworks.

Hiro Hotta was nominated to be the leader of this WG.

Changing ccTLD Manager – Delegation/Re-delegation

The Council recognises that members are eager to deal with this issue, but feels that we should not commence action on this until a number of other matters have been finalised.

Budget – Fees to ICANN

Council agrees that a formal request should be made to ICANN to formally request ccNSO Council to make an appointment to the budget advisory group.

A working group will be set up to consider ccTLD fees to ICANN.

Young Eum Lee was nominated to be the leader of this WG.

ccNSO Web Site

The ccNSO will run its own web site. The Council will formally ask for transfer of domain name from Kim Davies. Petr Kral agreed to host the web site and run the mailing lists.


A working group will be set up to develop a common ccNSO position on WSIS.

Bart Boswinkel was nominated to be the leader of this WG.

GAC Liaison

The GAC has agreed to our proposal to set up a ccNSO/GAC working group to discuss and report on methods for ongoing liaison between the 2 organisations. The GAC has already nominated 5 members to the WG.

Oscar Robles-Garay was nominated to lead this WG.

GNSO Liaison

The Council will enter into discussions with the gNSO with an aim to appoint cross liaisons.

ALAC Liaison

Chris Disspain has received email from the ALAC requesting that we arrange formal liaisons. Chris Disspain will respond and report to the Council as soon as possible.


Proxies are permitted for ccNSO councillors.

The proxy must be another councillor from the same region or, if no councillor from the same region is attending the meeting, then another person from the same region may be appointed as the proxy.

Secretariat and ccNSO Fees Working Group

A working group will be set up to develop a proposed model for a ccNSO Secretariat and a structure for ccNSO fees.

Chris Disspain was nominated to lead this WG.

Membership Applications

As the Launching Group has now been officially disbanded the task of approving membership applications now rests with Council.

Resolved: A vote of thanks be extended to members of the Launching Group and Assistance Group for all of their hard work and effort.

It was agreed that the current application form on ccNSO web site is acceptable for applications. However, the Council recognises that the form needs to be re-drafted and will begin work on this as soon as possible.

Other Businesses

ccNSO Representation on NomCom

The Council recognises the need to appoint a person to NomCom to represent ccNSO. There was consensus that Alf Hansen is the acceptable person to appoint for this role. Alf has not yet accepted the nomination.

It was agreed that the Council will nominate Alf Hansen to be the ccNSO representative on the Nominating Committee subject to Alf confirming that he is prepared to accept the role.

Comments from Floor

Term of Councillors

Ken Fockler stated that the election report recommended that the Council deal with the issue about the term of council members – perhaps not to set the term, but to come up with a process for the setting of the term.

It was agreed to set up a By Laws WG to deal with staggered term issue as a whole.

Yann Kwok was nominated to lead this WG.

Paul Verhoef

Congratulated the Council on its first council meeting. Explained that he has the responsibilities for interface with ccNSO. He looks forward to working with the Council.

Alejandro Pisanty

This is a historical moment: this reflects the ccTLD community’s commitment to make ICANN more complete. ICANN feels that it is on a much sounder basis now that ccNSO has been established. ICANN looks forward to putting in extra efforts in whatever ways needed to make ccNSO work better.

Alejandro congratulated Council on having come together to lead this session. He assures the ccNSO Council that it has the full support of ICANN board.

Alejandro said that Hans Kraaijenbrink would have been overjoyed to see this happen – it is the culmination of his goal to see ICANN adapt to take in the views of ccTLD managers.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 5:18