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Recordings of Security and Logistics Teleconferences

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On 27th and 29th January 2009, two separate teleconferences were held at 0600 UTC and 2000 UTC respectively. These teleconferences were a part of the ICANN staff efforts to provide more information for attendees and potential attendees of the Nairobi ICANN meeting in relation to logistical and security arrangements. Q&A during each teleconference was extensive; potential and confirmed attendees alike may find them of value.

As follow-up to these teleconferences, a number of updates to the Nairobi meeting microsite will be made to improve the level of detail in respect of logistical arrangements.

You may access recordings of the teleconferences at the URLs below:……


The agenda of the calls was identical, and is reproduced below:

1) Virtual Walk Through of Logistics - Nick Tomasso and Joe Kiragu

Nick Tomasso, ICANN General Manager for Meetings and Conferences, will take attendees through a narrative of the logistical arrangements from the point that attendees disembark from the plane through to arrival at the hotel. Following that our Kenyan hosts will take the participants through the process of moving from their hotel back and forth to the other hotels and the conference site. Requirements on arrival will also be recapped. Sammy Buruchara, Board Chairperson, KENIC and Joe Kiragu, Administrative Manager, KENIC will add any comments they think useful.

2) Review of Security Situation and Arrangements

Geoff Bickers, ICANN’s Director of Security, will review security arrangements for attendees. Geoff will also provide an overview of existing security information that has been published with reminders of online links for further information. Our KENIC hosts will add any comments they think useful.

3) Remote Participation Options

Nick Ashton-Hart will briefly review remote participation arrangements for Nairobi.


Questions and Answers related to the above subjects will be taken from the audience. Members will be asked to raise their hands in the Adobe Connect room (or ask in Adobe Connect chat to be placed into the queue) wherever possible. Nick Ashton-Hart will call on questioners on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no hard close for the call; the
presenters are happy to remain online until all questions have been answered; if for some reason a participant drops or must drop and a question arrives for them, this will be passed along so it can be answered.