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GNSO Council Marrakech Meeting Minutes

Last Updated:

28 June 2006

Proposed agenda and meeting documents

List of attendees:

Philip Sheppard/ Charles Sha'ban - Commercial & Business Users C.

Marilyn Cade - Commercial & Business Users C.

Alistair Dixon - Commercial & Business Users C - remote participation

Greg Ruth - ISCPC

Antonio Harris - ISCPC

Tony Holmes - ISCPC

Thomas Keller- Registrars

Ross Rader - Registrars - remote participation

Bruce Tonkin - Registrars

Ken Stubbs - gTLD registries

June Seo - gTLD registries

Cary Karp - gTLD registries

Lucy Nichols - Intellectual Property Interests C

Ute Decker - Intellectual Property Interests C - absent - apologies

Kiyoshi Tsuru - Intellectual Property Interests C.- remote participation

Robin Gross - NCUC. - remote participation

Norbert Klein - NCUC. - absent - apologies

Mawaki Chango - NCUC

Sophia Bekele - Nominating Committee appointee

Maureen Cubberley - Nominating Committee appointee - absent - apologies

Avri Doria - Nominating Committee appointee

18 Council Members


Dan Halloran - Deputy General Council

Denise Michel - Vice President, Policy Development

Olof Nordling - Manager, Policy Development Coordination

Liz Williams - Senior Policy Counselor

Maria Farrell - Policy Officer

Glen de Saint G�ry - GNSO Secretariat

GNSO Council Liaisons

Suzanne Sene - GAC Liaison - absent - apologies

Wendy Seltzer - ALAC Liaison -

Quorum present at 10:20 UTC.

Real time captioning

Bruce Tonkin chaired this meeting

Approval of agenda

Marilyn Cade
requested a resolution, related to the recognition of a loss in the community, under Any Other Business

Item 1: Update any statements of interest

No updates noted

Item 2: Ratify results of Election for ICANN Board seat #14

Bruce Tonkin stated that the ICANN bylaws required the Council to ratify that the vote was conducted in accordance with the procedures of the GNSO Council and that each Council member should have checked the vote to confirm that their vote was correctly recorded and that the vote was correct.

Bruce Tonkin, seconded by Ken Stubbs, proposed a motion:

The GNSO Council ratifies the election results for ICANN board seat number 14, and the results of that election were, Rita Rodin, 15 votes, and Philip Sheppard, 11 votes.

The motion carried with 24 votes, 3 votes absent.

Charles Sha'ban, Marilyn Cade, Alistair Dixon, Lucy Nichols, Kiyoshi Tsuru, Tony Holmes, Tony Harris, Greg Ruth, Bruce Tonkin*, Tom Keller*, Ross Rader,* Cary Karp*, June Seo*, Ken Stubbs*, (*double vote), Sophia Bekele, Avri Doria, Mawaki Chango, Robin Gross

Absent: Maureen Cubberley, Ute Decker, Norbert Klein (in transit at the time)

Decision1: The GNSO Council ratifies the election results for ICANN board seat number 14, and the results of that election were, Rita Rodin, 15 votes, and Philip Sheppard, 11 votes.

Bruce Tonkin congratulated Rita Rodin on her election to the board.

At that point Philip Sheppard, the runner up was invited to join the council and received a round of applause.

Item 3: Initial report on new gTLD policy

- identify next steps and update timeline

Bruce Tonkin referred to his presentation in the GNSO public forum on 27 June 2006 which covered the Status Report on new gTLD policy work and the proposed timelines:

- Initial Report - update by July.

- followed by a public comment period

- a physical meeting is planned between the Marrakech and Sao Paulo meetings to finalize the report

- Final Report presented to the community in October

- target - present the Final Report to the ICANN Board at the Sao Paulo meetings.

Government Advisory Committee (GAC) advice has been sought at an early stage on whether there are any particular types of strings, such as country name strings, that they would advise not to be used for the purposes of a new gTLD.

Item 4: Update on WHOIS policy work

- identify next steps and update timeline

An extensive amount of input was received from organizations, individual governments and from government agencies expressing concern that according to the WHOIS formulation voted on by Council,

organizations would only be able to use the information in WHOIS for purely technical purposes.

Further it appeared that members of council had different interpretations of the formulation amongst those that both supported and rejected it on the basis of a particular interpretation.

Bruce Tonkin read a work in progress statement from a group of registrars who manage a substantial majority of WHOIS records for gTLDs.

The option before Council was to consider expanding on the formulation by making either statements of clarity or statements of principle that underlie the formulation.

Bruce Tonkin proposed drafting a resolution which would capture the discussion and suggestions made by the Council members.

Bruce clarified that the purpose of the resolution, was to authorise a work plan. It did not change the definition of purpose, but allowed for broader dialogue with the community, in particular, the government public policy community.

Bruce further clarified that a straw pole was important as the Council support was needed for the statement to be presented in the ICANN Public Forum on Thursday 29 June 2006..

Bruce Tonkin, seconded by Marilyn Cade proposed as a draft resolution under consideration:

In response to the extensive community and Government input on the definition of the purpose of WHOIS, the GNSO Council agrees to undertake the following steps:

One: Each Council member that voted in favour of the definition will provide a brief explanation of the reason for supporting the resolution and their understanding of its meaning.

Two: the ICANN staff will provide a summary of the other interpretations of the definition that have been expressed by the community and Governments.

Three: the Council will undertake a dialogue with the GAC and SSAC on developing a broadly understandable definition of the purposes for which the current data required in the the RAA (Registrar Accreditation Agreement) is collected.

Four: The GNSO Council requests that the WHOIS task force continue with their work as specified in the terms of reference taking into account the recent input that has been provided.

Five: The GNSO Council will take the final report from the WHOIS task force that addresses all terms of reference, and the definition of purpose of collecting data derived from the dialogue with the GAC and SSAC, and consider improving the wording of the WHOIS service definition so that it is broadly understandable.

The GNSO Council notes that the current definition is related to the service that provides public access to some or all of the data collected, and is not a definition of the purpose of the data itself.

Tony Holmes added a friendly amendment to point four:

"and any further clarification as it becomes available from council."

The straw poll count was 12.

Item 5: Any Other Business:

Marilyn Cade, seconded by Avri Doria proposed the following motion:

A beloved member of the Internet and ICANN family, Liz Dengate Thrush, was

killed last week in a tragic car accident that also took the life of three

other members of her family.

Liz was a well known leader and contributor to the Internet, and many of the ICANN community knew Liz personally through her participation in ICANN's meetings, and her leadership in InternetNZ and in New Zealand. Liz was the wife of Peter Dengate Thrush, a long standing contributor and leader in the global Internet community, and in the New Zealand Internet community, and an ICANN board member.

The GNSO Council, on behalf of the GNSO, sends heartfelt condolences to Peter Dengate Thrush, to Liz's and Peter's children, Clare, Phoebe, and Henry, to the families of Liz and Peter in their tragic loss and to Liz's many loving friends, for the tragic loss of Liz and other members of their family.

The motion was unanimously accepted.

Bruce Tonkin formally closed the meeting and thanked everybody for attending.

The meeting ended: 12:30 local time

  • Next GNSO Council teleconference 20 July 2006 at 12:00UTC

    see: Calendar