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WHOIS Task Force 3 minutes

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WHOIS Task Force 3 Teleconference February 4, 2004 - Minutes


GNSO Constituency representatives:
Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Brian Darville - Chair:
Registrars Constituency - Ross Rader
Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Terry Clark
Internet Service Providers and connectivity providers Constituency - Greg Ruth

ICANN Staff Manager: Barbara Roseman
GNSO Secretariat: Glen de Saint Géry

gTLD Registries constituency: - Ken Stubbs - apologies
Non Commercial Users constituency - Frannie Wellings
Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Kiyoshi Tsuru
Commercial and Business Users constituency - Sarah Deutsch
At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) liaisons: - Vittorio Bertola

Brian Darville referred to the reformatted survey questionnaire by Marilyn Cade and Sarah Deutsch that had no material changes.

Brian Darville listed the task force members and other contacts who would be useful in distributing the survey:
Brian Darville: request Intellectual Property contacts, and find out about news and travel companies
Ken Stubbs: prepaid cellular companies
Marilyn Cade AT&T and telecoms
Ross Rader contact Richard Shockey for information and find out the status of the ENUM project
Greg Ruth contact ISPs
Sarah Deutsch contact the companies identifed by her.

Brian Darville mentioned that someone should take the lead in case he was unable to attend the Whois Workshop in Rome.

Survey analysis:
How would responses to the questions be analysed.
Brian suggested that a group take on the task.
Ross Rader mentioned that an alternate Registrars' representative, Brian Cute from Networksolutions would join the group.

Barbara Roseman suggested that there should be uniformity in reviewing the responses.
Suggestions were made according to respondent category and responses to specific questions.
Ross Rader proposed drafting a scheme on reveiwing the data.
Brain Darville offered to draft an outline of the interim report for Friday 13, February 2004.

MP3 recordings:
Ross Rader asked about the outcome of the survey on MP3 recordings. The GNSO Secretary referred to the findings published on the gnso website

Next Call:

Responsible for drafting a report for 25 February :
Brian Darville, Brian Cute, Terry Clark, and Ross Rader
After consensus the report would be circulated to the task force.

Draft circulated to task force by 18 February.

Brian Darville thanked everyone for their presence and participation and ended the call at 15:20 UTC.

Next call: Wednesday 11, 15:00 UTC, 10:00 EST, 7:00 Los Angeles, 16:00 CET.