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ccNSO Travel Funding to ICANN Meetings

Last Updated:

According to ICANN's travel support programme, the ccNSO may now fund a small set of travellers to each of the ICANN meetings. The funding is made available for those who actively contribute to the work of the ccNSO in particular to its projects and meetings.

The travel funding covers an economy class ticket to the travel destination, the hotel costs for the time of the meeting and a per diem.

All travel arrangements are made through specially dedicated ICANN staff.

The process on how the funding shall be distributed is available here.

If you are interested in receiving travel funding, please fill in the ccNSO Travel Funding Application Form when the application period is open. Information on when the application period is open will always be posted on the ccNSO homepage.

Your application will be reviewed by the ccNSO Travel Fund Committee, which is comprised of three ccNSO Councillors and the ccNSO Secretariat (non-voting). The current members of the committee are: Roelof Meijer, .nl; Viktor Abboud, .ec, Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi and Gabriella Schittek, ccNSO Secretariat (non-voting).

ccNSO Funded Travellers

ICANN's Fellowship Programme

ICANN's Fellowship Programme is different from the ccNSO Travel Funding Programme. Whilst the ccNSO Travel Funding Scheme is mainly for ccTLD operators, the Fellowship Programme is aiming to increase attendance at ICANN meetings by all stakeholders, not just ccTLD operators. The main restriction for the Fellowship Programme is that applicants must be citizens of eligible countries, determined by economic ranking.

Fellowships are awarded by an independent selection committee based on a mix of criteria including applicant experience and references, geographic proximity to meeting, receipt of past fellowships, etc.

Information on how to apply is available here.