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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Changing the WHOIS for .cat - Nacho Amandoz, .cat

This presentation will be focused on the actions .cat has had to take in order to arrange a proposal to ICANN to modify its whois' output. This proposal offers a solution more respectul toward EU data protection legislation.

5-year Review of AFNIC WHOIS Policy - Mathieu Weill, .fr

Since 2006, in the context of opening registrations to private individuals, AFNIC has set up a Whois policy in accordance with the French Data Protection Authority. 5 years later, we can share some insights about how this policy has impacted registrants, right owners and the registry.

IANA Update - Kim Davies, ICANN

Explanation of the Root Zone Management system, including a demonstration of the system.

Affirmation of Commitment Review Team Update - SSR Team

Exchange of views among those present, including the SSR-RT, about the main strengths and weaknesses of ICANN's support for the SSR of the DNS at present. The SSR-RT will present some questions arising from its work to date. The emphasis of the meeting will be on large-scale, systemic risk factors and on concrete measures that ICANN has undertaken or should undertake to strengthen its approach.

NomCom and ATRT recommendations - Adam Peake, NomCom

The ARTR has made recommendations about the NomCom and how it should better identify the "skill-sets" desirable in ICANN Directors. NomCom is seeking ccNSO's comment on the qualities and experience needed of an ICANN Director, the challenges ICANN will face in the next 3-5 years, and skill-sets desirable for the other positions the NomCom selects, i.e. ccNSO, GNSO and ALAC.


Wednesday 26 October

NICSN, inventory and work in progress - Alioune Thioune, .sn

15 years have enabled the DNS management team to cross many steps, But still long way to go for stability, and security,  IPV6 deployment  and good collaboration with all partners involved.

Switching Nigerians to .ng ccTLD - Ope Odusan, .ng

The Nigerian .ng ccTLD management company NiRA, has embarked on a nationwide campaign with the theme The campaign is aimed at promoting the adoption of .ng among the Nigeria public. The campaign is a joint promotion between NiRA and the Federal Republic of Nigeria agency that is responsible for Information Technology Development in Nigeria. This presentation will focus on the strategies and methodologies being used to achieve the goals and objectives of getting more Nigerians both businesses and the government agency on the internet.

Sharing Technical Resources with Other Small Registries - Nigel Roberts, .gg/.je

Nigel Roberts, Director and CTO of the .GG and .JE registries will give a short presentation on sharing technical resources with other small ccTLDs and gTLD applicants.

This includes possible models for co-operation regarding technology for automated database cleanliness up to providing a hot standby registry system using the CoCCA platform.

Funding for Registries in Emerging Markets - Carsten Schiefner, ironDNS

ironDNS, a DNS service using independent name server software, is offering a funding programme for Registries in emerging markets. The idea is to help Registries improve DNS provisioning and enhance their services. Without any deduction countries who meet the criteria to be eligible for funding can benefit from the free package which is meant as an addition to an already existing server setup.

Criteria to be eligible are being a ccTLD Registry from a non-OECD country, a nonprofit organization and having less than 100,000 domain delegations.

Opening up prefecture-SLD under the .jp ccTLD - Hiro Hotta, .jp

While new gTLDs may be delegated for big cities, small cities won't have their gTLDs delegated. As a ccTLD registry, JPRS has decided to open up all prefecture-SLDs under .JP since JPRS wants to serve the whole community it serves in neutral way. The presentation will be about how the idea came up and how it would be put into shape.

Two year experiences of being a regulated TLD - Lise Fuhr, .dk

DIFO/DK Hostmaster - the Danish registry, has been regulated for more than 2 years now. The presentation will give a status of how being regulated by the Danish Domain Name Act, having a tender and compliance with the"Permission to administer .dk" by the National IT- and telecommunication Agency has influenced DK Hostmaster and DIFO.