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Draft Response to 2011 GAC gTLD Scorecard

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Evan Leibovitch, Co-Vice chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee originally composed this statement based on archived documents and notes which the ALAC have released in the past few months, as well as input from working team colleagues.

A draft version of the ALAC Statement on the GAC New gTLD Scorecard was posted for discussion on an At-Large Community wiki page on 18 March 2011 and announced on an At- Large Group Skype Chat during the 40th ICANN Meeting held in San Francisco. Following a call for comments, Evan Leibovitch drafted a first version of the ALAC Statement on the GAC New gTLD Scorecard on 22 March which was discussed during an ALAC Executive Committee call on 24 March. Following this call, significant community input, as well as a table created by Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Co-Vice-Chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee, were incorporated into the first version, thus creating the second version (the present document).

On 24 March 2011, a further call for comments was posted on the ALAC-Announce list.

On 28 March 2011, the At-Large Staff transmitted the statement to Heather Dryden, Chair of the GAC; Jeremy Beale , GAC Chief Executive Secretary; Peter Dengate-Thrush, Chairman of the Board; and the Board Secretary, with a note saying that the document was currently undergoing ALAC ratification.