The ccNSO Delegation, Redelegation and Retirement Working Group (DRDWG) is pleased to announce publication of its report [PDF, 459 KB] on the Re-Delegation (with consent of the incumbent operator) of ccTLD's.
This is the third report in a series of three and includes the results of the analysis and documents the issues and draft recommendation relating to the current re-delegation (with consent of the incumbent operator) process and practices. The working group would appreciate your feed-back and input, if any, on the report, in particular on the following questions:
- Have all the issues been identified? If not, please indicate what should be included.
- Are all identified issues relevant? If not, please provide a reason
- Will the recommendation of the DRDWG resolve the short and long term issues identified? Would you propose alternate recommendations and if so, why?
Input and feed-back can be provided either during the sessions on this topic at ICANN Cartagena or by submitting a comment at:
Submissions will be archived and can be viewed at:
You are kindly requested to submit your comments, if any, by no later than Friday 14 January 2011.