Participants ALAC: C Langdon-Orr, A Greenberg, S Bachollet, V Scartezini, A Peake, V Vivekandan, P Vande Walle , TH Nguyen, B Brendler, M El Bashir, F Seye Sylla, C Aguirre, J Ovidio Salgueiro Apologies: H Diakite, W Ludwig Absent: R Guerra Liaisons: S Muthusamy, W Seltzer, R Vansnick, A Piazza Guests: C Samuels, D Younger Staff: N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger
Adoption of the Agenda
A Peake noted that according to the rules of procedures the agenda needed to be ready and sent to the members by email seven days in advance of the meeting. He asked the Chair about the current process to develop the agenda.
C Langdon-Orr responded that the ALAC ExCom currently prepared the agendas for the ALAC meetings and noted that she was happy to discuss the issue at the next conference in December.
Review of Minutes/Action items
The Staff regretted that the summary minutes and action items from the Cairo meeting were not ready for this meeting. He noted that they should be ready by Friday, November 28th.
ALAC Liaisons
The Chair welcomed the new liaisons S Muthusamy (IDN issues), R Vansnick (ccTLDs), A Piazza (dotMOBI Board) and B Brendler (NCUC).
The Staff will organize an orientation to the ccNSO council for the new ccTLD liaison R Vansnick.
The Board liaison W Seltzer noted that there had not been substantial discussion on the Board level since the Cairo meeting.
Appointment of 2nd representative to the Geographic Regions Review WG
A discussion was held on ICANN’s current geographic regions and the Geographic Regions Review WG. The Chair noted that the ALAC was asked to send two representatives to the Review WG.
The discussion resulted in the appointment of C Langdon-Orr from APRALO and C Samuels from LACRALO to the Geographic Regions Review Working Group.
Formalization of the Executive Committee
A discussion was held on the the formalization of the ExCom. The Chair noted that motion presented by A Greenberg would formalize a model, which has de facto already existed for a year. She said that the role of the ExCom was to coordinate the work of the ALAC. The ExCom would not take policy decisions on behalf of the ALAC, except in urgent situation where there was no time to deliberate the issue with the remaining ALAC members.
C Aguirre expressed the opinion that the ALAC already was an executive committee and asked the ALAC members to first decide whether it was necessary to create another organ on top of it. He said he was not against an ExCom in general but noted that the limits of the mandate needed to be clear.
Following the deliberations, A Greenberg split his original motion into two separate motions:
1st Motion. Presented by A Greenberg, seconded by S Bachollet
Whereas the ALAC has had a de facto an Executive Committee composed of ALAC Officers for the past year;
Whereas, it is at times necessary for the ALAC to take action without sufficient time to formally engage the entire ALAC and hold a vote;
Therefore I move that:
1. The ALAC create a 4-member Executive Committee composed of the four ALAC Officers. Until such time as a more refined specification be defined, the Executive Committee shall have no powers other than those explicitly granted by the ALAC, save that in urgent situations, the Executive Committee may make decisions on behalf of the ALAC, such decisions communicated to the ALAC prior to or at the time of decision, and to be ratified at the next ALAC meeting.
Against: B Brendler, C Aguirre Abstention: none In favour: C Langdon-Orr, V Vivekandan, N Thu Hue, F Seye Sylla, M El Bashir, S Bachollet, A Greenberg, P Vande Walle, A Peake
2nd Motion. Presented by A Greenberg, seconded by A Peake
Whereas last year's de facto Executive Committee included Officers from four or the five ICANN regions;
Whereas this present year's Officers represent four of the five ICANN regions;
Whereas in keeping with ALAC and ICANN principles, it is felt that there is a benefit in all five regions participating in an Executive Committee;
Therefore I move that:
1. The ALAC expand the Executive Committee to five people. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the four ALAC Officers and one additional ALAC member.
2. The ALAC redefine the two positions of Vice-Chair and the position of Rapporteur, and the associated voting processes to ensure that the Chair, the two Vice-Chairs, and the Rapporteur all represent different ICANN regions, the detailed Rules of Procedures to be approved prior to the 2009 Officer elections;
3. Following the election of the four officers, the ALAC shall nominate and elect an ALAC member from the as-yet un-represented ICANN region to the fifth Executive Committee position.
Against: B Brendler, C Aguirre Abstention: none In favour: C Langdon-Orr, V Vivekandan, N Thu Hue, F Seye Sylla, M El Bashir, S Bachollet, A Greenberg, P Vande Walle, A Peake
RAA Amendements
There was a discussion held on the RAA amendments and the way forward.
It was decided that Staff will organize a single-topic teleconference on the RAA Amendments with the relevant ICANN Staff members. This conference needs to be held before the next ALAC meeting. It will be a 90 minute briefing session with K Pritz, T Cole and possibly M Koenigs and L Gaster.
New gTLD Applicant Guidebook
There was not enough time for an extended discussion on the issue. It was decided that it would be carried over to the next meeting. Staff noted that several constituencies requested an extension of the public comment period.
Staff will create a web space for the RAA and the new gTLD working groups and ensure that the membership list is up to date.
Staff will produce a overview document in relation with the new gTLD guidebook, which point out the issues most important to At-Large.
The meeting was then concluded.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 09 December at 1230 UTC.