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ALAC Conference Call Minutes - ALAC Conference Call Minutes

Last Updated:

Participants: Hong, Xue, Vittorio Bertola, Sebastian Ricciardi,
Jean Armour Polly, Denise Michel, Pierre Dandjinou, Izumi Aizu, John

Absent: Clement Dzidonu, Sunday Folayan, Annette Muehlberg, Wendy
Seltzer, Tadao Takahashi, Tommy Matsumoto, Erick Iriarte; Operator
unable to connect to Roberto Gaetano; Bret Fausett notified ALAC of

1. Action: Agree on domain name/s for new website
2. Report: Bylaw change for ALS certification
3. Action: Agree on minimum ALAC member participation requirements
4. Report: New ALAC positions and/or new position descriptions
5. Action: Pending ALS applications
6. Report: ICANN Strategic Plan input
7. Report /Action: NET, WHOIS, new gTLDs, IDNs, Transfers

8. Report: ALAC review

1. ALAC discussed several options for domain names for the ALAC’s
new interactive website and agreed to reserve .net .org
and .info. to move forward with the website. Alternatives can still be
considered if desired.

2. Bylaw changes for ALS certification were submitted to the Board’s
Secretary (ICANN General Counsel) with a request that they be expedited
and posted immediately for public comment. ALAC is waiting for a
response on next steps.

3. ALAC agreed to pursue minimum participation requirements which
would include ALAC members attending at least 1 meeting per year and
participating in a minimum number of conference calls and email votes.
Requirements would include consideration for extenuating circumstances.
Proposed requirements will be shared via email. Denise will ask for
ICANN General Counsel guidance on whether bylaw changes are required
and what process should be used.

4. Vittorio will circulate a proposal for ALAC positions for committee discussion at and/or or prior to Vancouver.

5.  ALAC discussed pending At-Large Structure applications. Pierre
reported that he has not heard from Clement, who was supposed to get
more information on Africa Youth Foundation which is based in his
country, nor Sunday, who was supposed to get more information on
Nigerian Internet Users Coalition which is based in his country. Denise
will contact them, and the organizations directly if necessary. Izumi
and Hong recommended the ALAC certify the Internet Users Society – Niue
and the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society and that the
ALAC now vote on these applications. Both are active participants in
efforts to create an APRALO. Sebastian strongly recommended
certification of AGEIA DENSI, which involves college professors and
students and is a model worth trying in this region. He has been in
contact with them. He and Erick have discussed the application from
Asociación Ecuatoriana de Derecho Informático y Telecomunicaciones,
AEDIT, and they recommend the ALAC certify this group. Erick can
provide comments on JCI Ecuador and Corporación Ecuatoriana de Comercio
Electrónico, CORPECE. *If any member needs more information or feel
they might need to abstain from voting, they need to indicate this to
the ALAC now.* Vittorio will be calling a vote based on ALAC regional
members’ recommendations. Sebastian noted that ISOC Mauritious would be
submitting an ALS application. Denise noted that the Ombudsman had
received a complaint from an ALS applicant who had not been certified.

6. Along with other Advisory Committees and Supporting
Organizations, the ALAC has been asked to send a representative to an
ICANN Strategic Plan meeting scheduled for 18-19 Oct. in Marina del
Rey. Strategic planning documents will be available soon for ALAC
review and input. More information will be emailed.

7. ALAC agreed to request a translation of the draft IDN guidelines
and an extension of the public comment period to enable At-Large groups
(and others) in various countries to participate in the review process.
ALAC agreed to Report /Action: NET, WHOIS, new gTLDs, IDNs, Transfers

8. The ALAC’s self-review is progressing. Sebastian will provide
the ALAC with a draft in the near future. He issued a “final call” for
review questionnaires from ALAC members (email them directly to
Sebastian today).