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ALAC Conference Call Minutes - ALAC Conference Call Minutes

Last Updated:

Participants: Vittorio Bertola, Sebastian Ricciardi, Denise Michel,
Bret Fausett, Annette Muehlberg, John Levine, Roberto Gaetano, Izumi

Absent: Jean Armour Polly, Pierre Dandjinou, Clement Dzidonu, Sunday
Folayan, Erick Iriarte , Tommy Matsumoto, Wendy Seltzer, Tadao
Takahashi, Hong Xue (MCI did not connect her to the call)


1. Pending applications for "At-Large Structure" certification

2. Revision of ALS certification process

3. ALAC self-review, Committee members' terms and positions, mission/vision statement

4. Communications and new website

5. Outreach, regional activities

6. Issues: WHOIS; new gTLDs; IDNs; follow-up on Luxembourg actions/statements

7. Budget

8. Vancouver meeting

9. Misc.

1. Pending applications for "At-Large Structure" certification --
ISOC Australia and Asociacion Internauta were certified as At-Large
Structures (these groups have been notified); Sunday Folayan and
Clement Dzidonu did not respond to requests for their votes which has
delayed action on ALS applications on which ALAC is voting; Chair will
draft statement on pending applications; ALAC members need to provide
recomendations on applications from their regions (see Sebastian
recommendations on AGEIA DENSI, JCI Ecuador, AEDIT, CORPECE) so ALAC
can move to voting.

2. Revision of ALS certification process -- Comments requested on
proposed bylaw changes circulated by Vittorio to lessen voting
requirements for ALS certification; when ALAC has closure on changes,
staff will prepare request for Board action on bylaw change.

3. ALAC self-review, Committee members' terms and positions,
mission/vision statement -- Sebastian will circulate set of questions
to solicit ALAC input and then will prepare draft review document for
ALAC consideration, (building on previous efforts), for adoption at
Vancouver meeting; Vittorio will prepare document on ALAC role
descriptions and options for online discussion with the intention to
reach agreement/adopt it and discuss procedures for filling the
positions by Vancouver (note that ALAC may need to revise bylaws
depending on changes it wants to make to leaderhsip positions); ALAC
will continue to discuss mission and vision statements online, with
expected adoption at/by Vancouver meeting.

4. Communications and new website -- Posting and editing procedures
need final ALAC agreement to move forward -- following-up on discussion
Jean led in Luxembourg; Sebastian will coordinate with website work to
incorporate new communications strategy, and he also will review
newsletter with an eye towards updating it.

5. Outreach, regional activities -- To follow-up on the Europe
At-Large meeting held last month in Luxembourg, discussions are onging
about a "Europe roadmap" for At-Large organizing; Vittorio, Roberto,
Annette are working on principles paper for EURALO; to follow-up on the
Asia/Pacific At-Large meeting held last month in Luxembourg, several
action items are underway (proposed charter, organization plan, bylaws,
etc) and a meeting is being organized in Taipei in late August in
conjunction with APNG.

6. Issues: WHOIS; new gTLDs; IDNs; follow-up on Luxembourg
actions/statements -- WHOIS task force work continues; there *maybe a
workshop on WHOIS in Vancouver sponsored by the GNSO Council and GAC;
discussions will continue online on the proposed input for a new gTLD
process, and Bret will provide more proposed statements; Vittorio will
re-activate previous proposed statement on IDNs that ALAC did not reach
agreement on; no action on President's IDN Advisory Committee; ALAC's
public statements will be posted on website and follow-up emails will
be sent to pursue action/implementation.

7. Budget -- ALAC still needs spending figures from last fiscal year
and information on this year's budget (ICANN budget was adopted in
Luxembourg); initial reports indicated that the ALAC budget was frozen
along with some other budget items; Vittorio sent email to Twomey
requesting this information and staff will follow-up.

8. Vancouver meeting -- staff will work with North American ALAC
members to propose At-Large events/meeting schedule for Vancouver, with
the expectation that ALAC agree to final Vancouver plans by
mid-September; goal is to have substantial advance public notice to
enable more public participation.

9. Misc -- ALAC needs to respond to .MOBI request for At-Large
member for their Board; Vittorio will ask about deadline; Izumi agreed
that ALAC needed to address donations from sTLD's for At-Large work
prior to any solictations; Izumi encouraged public input to WGIG report
by deadline.