Present: A Muehlberg, S Shahshahani,
I Aizu, V Bertola, R Gaetano, J A Polly, H Xue, A Wanjira
Apologies: W Seltzer
Absent: B Fausett, P Dandjinou, C Dzinonu
, E Iriarte Ahon, J Morris, S Ricciardi, A Greenberg, J Levine
Sao Paulo - Schedule & Agenda
Meeting with Board at SP – Agenda
Summary Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 13:52 (scheduled for 13:30 start UTC).
It adjourned at 15:48 UTC.
Elections of Officers / Appointment of internal working positions
and liaisons for 2007
A discussion of the election of officers and representatives of ALAC to other
constituencies was conducted since all positions are up for re-election. It
was noted that a number of working groups within ALAC were also in need of
being filled and officered. It was further noted that though Brett will be
at Sao Paulo, he is stepping down as GNSO Liaison.
There was a discussion of when terms end for the year, as well as the LAC
representatives being elected – the first – replacing Sebastian
and Erick.
A discussion on whether or not to decide the schedule of meetings of the
ALAC and At-Large activities in advance was held and it was decided to set
the main meeting dates, times, and subjects so that they could be included
in the public schedule.
A discussion of what ALAC representatives are interested in following other
tracks of the Sao Paulo meetings to participate as a liaison was discussed.
It was decided that an announcement should be sent to the list, as a consequence
of the number of absent ALAC members from the call.
The Google-based
schedule setup by staff was reviewed and resulted in setting a draft
agenda for the ALAC Meetings, also included in the same online spreadsheet.
After discussion, it was decided to have meetings for the ALAC as follows:
Tuesday, 5 December
At Large Advisory Committee Meeting, First Session
TIME: 09:00 – 11:00
LOCATION: Buenos Aires Room
WHAT IS IT: The meeting is for the committee members to prepare and discuss
their meeting with the ICANN Board later in the morning.
WHY ITS IMPORTANT: The meeting between the ICANN Board and the ALAC is an
important opportunity for the two groups to exchange ideas and discuss the
policy issues identified by At Large as important.
Wednesday, 6 December
At Large Advisory Committee Meeting, Second Session
TIME: 10:30 – 12:45
LOCATION: Buenos Aires Room
WHAT IS IT: Discuss the various regional activities of At Large, status of
forming Regional At Large Organisations (RALOs) in each region, and an update
on policy areas under review in ICANN which the Advisory Committee and At Large
is responding to. This meeting is not a regular committee meeting, more a presentation
for conference participants.
WHY ITS IMPORTANT: This is an opportunity for the At Large constituency to
review the activities of the At Large Advisory Committee in its interaction
with the policies and issues ICANN is dealing with, and for the community members
to give their views on past and future work.
Thursday, 7 December
At Large Advisory Committee Meeting, Third Session
TIME: 14:00 – 18:30
LOCATION: Buenos Aires Room
WHAT IS IT: The meeting will elect ALAC’s Officers for the coming year,
appoint liaisons to other ICANN bodies like the GNSO and the ICANN Board, discuss
the coming year’s agenda and work. There will also be a preview of the
new At Large online collaboration environment, regional Wikis, new email lists,
and a preview and demonstration by at 15:30 (
which is a membership management and collaboration service being reviewed by
ALAC. This is a working session of the committee but the public are welcome
to attend. (Final Agenda TBC.)
WHY IT’S IMPORTANT: Since the officers of the Committee are being elected,
and the liaisons to other ICANN Bodies being selected, for the coming year
this is an important meeting in the ALAC calendar. Also, the new Internet-based
collaboration tools and services which are being implemented by ICANN staff
will greatly improve the ability of the community to work together so the segment
where this will be discussed (from 15:00 to 16:00 approximately) will be of
interest to the At Large community members generally.
Friday, 8 December
At Large Advisory Committee Meeting, Fourth Session (TENTATIVE)
TIME: 12:00 – 13:00
LOCATION: Buenos Aires Room
It was suggested that an APAC session should be held, depending upon interest
and attendance by At-Large APAC representatives.
An extensive review of the whole Sao Paulo schedule and the relationships
to the At-Large schedule was conducted.
A discussion of whether or not to have a workshop on our own, or whether
to participate in others, was held.
A discussion of whether or not to close some ALAC sessions was held, with
a decision to follow precedent and continue having all meetings remain open.
It was suggested that an ALAC dinner should be held on Saturday, and further
suggested that LAC be invited.
There was a discussion on what kind of agendas would be prepared – general
statements for the website, or those statements, plus meeting agendas available
for each meeting. A conclusion was not reached. Staff informed the Committee
that translated documents and agendas could be provided, but only if these
documents were available with some reasonable advance notice.
ALS Accreditation
The committee noted that 12 ALSes had recently been approved by vote.
It was discussed whether or not staff would be sending out the ‘Welcome
to At-Large’ or not. The Chair suggested that some elements should be
redrafted. Staff were asked to do so and confirmed that the revised version
would be sent out imminently. The chair confirmed that the /applications page
should be updated to reflect the newly-accredited organisations.
It was noted that some votes were overdue – YIELD being 4 weeks overdue
for the African regional representatives to report back to the whole ALAC.
ISOC Tunisia also awaits a report from the region (due 13 Nov).
is also overdue, despite both staff and regional recommendation being to reject
the application. The Chair said she would try again to get to
respond on the issues related to that application. Alice said she would liaise
with her colleagues to press forward a regional report on YIELD to the ALAC
not later than the end of the week. It was agreed that a vote would be scheduled
for YIELD in a week’s time to take into account regional advice.
It was noted by the Staff that the response to has not been
sent. A draft previously sent by Roberto is to be sent to Staff who will turn
this into a formal response, sent to the committee for review, after which
it will be sent on to by staff in the name of the Committee.
Other Business
Hong gave an overview of Verisign Chinese domain explanation previously sent
by email.
The committee unanimously expressed its thanks to Brendan for the help in
making the Wiki-based Self-Review process work so well. He’s to be invited
to the ALAC/LAC dinner.
Staff provided an update on systems improvement. It was stated that workspaces
for each region using SocialText wiki software were in the process of being
created, with each ALS in each region being given an editing password. The etc
websites would then be pointed at these workspaces so the community always
controlled the public presence of the sites. Those without an editing account
would only be able to view the sites, editors could maintain it. Mailing lists
are to be outsourced if in-house IT staff are unable to create the necessary
environment before Sao Paulo, so that all At-Large mailing lists can be found
in one place, using MailMan, allowing complete self-service by subscribers.
The lists will be moderated by members of the community. Staff also proposed
that the membership management system MemberClicks should
be previewed at Sao Paulo with a view to using this as the central hub of ALS
and ALS representative information. The committee were happy to hear of all
these improvements and looked forward to seeing MemberClicks.
A discussion about the length of monthly teleconferences was held. The Chair
suggested that the full two hours each month was important. Other members suggested
that this was too long and that one hour, perhaps one and a half hours, was
quite sufficient. It was noted that this meeting was called to order 22 minutes
late. The cost of long conferences was also noted as a consideration. It was
also noted that for some time zones the meetings were already starting very
late in the day and for them to last so long meant finishing very late. It
was decided that meetings should begin on time or not later than 10 minutes
after the calls begin.
The Guide to DNS for users that has been under preparation for some time
was discussed. Dissatisfaction was registered from several Committee members
with the content and structure as well as the process related to this guide.
It was noted that some members were happier with the content. It was decided
after discussion that all ALAC members would reply by the end of December with
detailed comments to be incorporated in January, there being an insufficient
time left before Sao Paulo to provide considered input..
It was noted that the process of agreeing internally at ICANN on the class
of fare for flights was ongoing and that this was why flights have not yet
been paid for. Staff were following-up, would continue to do so, and a resolution
was expected imminently.
Staff informed the Committee that the various MoUs had been sent in their
current form to the General Counsel for an ICANN legal view and that this would
be provided back to the Committee.
Action Items
ACTION: Can the At Large dinner be on the ICANN SP budget? Nick to check.
ACTION: Nick to send note to APRALO list to find out who is coming.
ACTION: Do we need translation for the Tues ALAC pre-Board meeting?
ACTION: Annette to ask on the ALAC list who wants to represent ALAC and report
back from the constituency meetings in Sao Paulo.
ACTION: Committee members to send their detailed comments on the DNS Guide
by the end of December 2006.
ACTION: When is the deadline for getting into the full meeting programme?
Nick to check.
ACTION: for the Wed meeting can we have lunch in the meeting room, or at
least available for purchase nearby. Nick to check.
ACTION: Invite Kurt Pritz to come to meet with the ALAC to discuss the budgeting
process. Preference for Thurs
session, second Wednesday. Nick to arrange.
ACTION: Arrange a short meeting with the Ombudsman. Preference for Thurs
session, second Wednesday. Nick to arrange
ACTION: Nick to send the current draft MoUs/Bylaws to the Committee.