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Council Decisions and Resolutions

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Date TopicResolutionDecision
25 June 2014Volunteers for Implementation WG


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request Cristian Hesselman (.NL), to seek volunteers to initiate the steps of the process and draft a charter for the implementation working group, in close cooperation with the secretariat and present it to the Council, as soon as feasible.

25 June 2014Closure of CRI WG


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Final Report of the Contact Respository Working Group and according to its charter the Working Group is closed. The ccNSO Council thanks the chair of the Working Group and its members for their work. The ccNSO adopts the recommendation to initiate the implementation of a secure email list, in coordination with other initiatives.

25 June 2014Charter Drafting IANA Coordination Committee


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request its Secretariat to draft a charter for a coordination committee on IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability. The purpose of this group is to coordinate the ccNSO and broader ccTLD efforts to participate in the IANA Stewardship Transition Process and Enhancing ICANN's Accountability Process and coordinate the efforts of the ccNSO with other efforts aimed at including the broader ccTLD community in the process and finally coordinate the interrelation between the processes from a ccNSO and broader ccTLD perspective.

Further, the membership of this group should at least comprise ex-officio of:

  • The chair of the ccNSO and chair of the ccNSO Meetings Program Working Group
  • The chair of the SOP Working Group
  • The members selected on the Coordination Committee
  • The members to be appointed on the future cross-community working group on IANA stewardship transition process
  • The members of the working groups related to the Enhancing ICANN Accountability Process
25 June 2014Call for Nominations IANA Coordination Committee


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request its chair to finalise the call for nominations, including the criteria for selection of the 4 ccTLD members on the Coordination Committee and send it to the Council for final approval by 26 June noon UTC. The secretariat is requested to send out the approved call for self-nominations and refer the nominations received to the Selection Committee upon receiving the nomination.

The names of nominees shall be published on the ccNSO Website.

25 June 2014ccTLD World Email List


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request its Secretariat to set-up an email list, including email contacts to all ccTLDs and solely for the purpose to inform and engage the community in the IANA Stewardship Transition Process.

25 June 2014Formation of Selection Committee


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to establish a 5-members Selection Committee to select the 4 members on the IANA Stewardship Transition Process Coordination Committee. All members of the Selection Committee shall be from the ccTLD community. The Selection Committee will include at least two members of the ccNSO Council, including its chair, one member of a Board of a regional TLD organization and one non-ccNSO member. Its task is to review the applications and select the 4 ccTLD members of the Coordination Committee to the ccNSO Council by 2 July or as soon as possible thereafter prior to an urgent special meeting of the ccNSO Council. In its review and selection, the committee will take into account and be guided by the criteria for selection included in the call for nominations.

The chair of the ccNSO is requested to seek members and nominate the members of the selection committee as soon as possible and send it to the Council for final approval by 26 June noon UTC.

Interviews of candidates may be conducted.

Members of the Selection Committee are not eligible as candidates for the Coordination Committee.

25 June 2014Call for Volunteers Charter Drafting


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request its Secretariat to send out a call to the ccTLD community for the 4 volunteers to the charter drafting team as soon as possible after closure of the Council meeting. It also resolved to request its Secretariat to indicate that those who are interested may attend the informal meeting of the envisioned drafting group during the London meeting. The volunteers would be appointed by an email decision of the Council as soon as possible, but no later then 4 July 2014, 23.59 UTC.

25 June 2014Participation in IANA CCWG and Appointment of Co-Chair


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to participate in the team to draft a charter for a cross-community working group on the IANA stewardship transition process and to appoint its chair Byron Holland as one of the co-chairs.

The ccNSO Council further agreed to discuss and make a decision on the adoption of the proposed charter through an email vote, once submitted and made available by the co-chairs of the drafting team.

25 June 2014Appointment of CCWG Framework Principles Co-Chair


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Becky Burr (.us) as ccNSO co-chair of Working Group for the Development of a Framework of Principles for Cross-Community Working Groups. The secretariat is requested to inform the GNSO and the GNSO appointed co-chair of the Working Group accordingly.

25 June 2014Appointment of UCTN Co-Chair


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Lise Fuhr (.dk) as ccNSO co-chair of the Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country/Territory Names as TLDs. The secretariat is requested to inform the GNSO and the GNSO appointed co-chairs of the Working Group accordingly.

25 June 2014Appointment of SOP Interim Chair


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Giovanni Seppia (.EU) as Interim chair of the SOP Working Group until the Los Angeles meeting. The secretariat is requested to inform the Working Group accordingly.

25 June 2014Formation of Statement Drafting Team


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve .RO (Romania) and welcomes .RO as member 151 of the ccNSO.

22 May 2014Formation of Statement Drafting Team


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint the following community members to form a drafting team to prepare a ccNSO Council Statement on ICANN's proposal to enhance ICANN's accountability process:

From IANA Transfer Coordination Committee:
Becky Burr, .us
Keith Davidson, .nz
Byron Holland, .ca

Other Volunteers:
Martin Boyle, .uk
Hiro Hotta, .jp
Daniel Kalchev, .bg
Barrack Otieno, AfTLD
Nigel Roberts, .gg & .je
Paul Szyndler, .au
Mathieu Weill, .fr
Jorg Schweiger .de 

The Council further requested Mathieu Weill (.fr) to chair this effort.

The Council also requested its Chair to submit a placeholder statement, noting that the time for submissions is very limited.

22 May 2014Approval of .mh Membership Application


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve .mh (Marshall Islands) as ccNSO member number 150.

13 May 2014Adoption of Quorum IC Statement of Purpose


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the statement of purpose for the Quorum Interpretation Committee, which goal is to clarify the various options and their implication of "non-voting", including abstaining from vote, are perceived by the community and recommend a further course of action to the council. Katrina Sataki was appointed Chair of the Quorum Interpretation Committee.

26 March 2014Approval of .id Membership Application


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve .id (Indonesia) as members of the ccNSO.

26 March 2014Formation of IANA Transfer Coordination Committee


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Byron Holland, Keith Davidson and Becky Burr as ccNSO Process Coordination Committee with respect to IANA Functions Transition Process. The purpose of this committee is to coordinate the ccNSO efforts to participate in the IANA Functions Transition Process, and coordinate the ccNSO with other efforts aimed at including the broad ccTLD community in the process. The committee may invite other members of the ccTLD community to participate in the work of the committee, if deemed necessary and appropriate.

26 March 2014Closure of JIG WG


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt following points regarding the JIG Working Group:

  1. The ccNSO Council believes that in view of the ongoing community work at ICANN on these issues the JIG may now be closed, and will terminate the extension of the JIG as outlined in the charter.
  2. The ccNSO Council will continue to monitor the progress of the various community-based efforts to resolve the issues raised by the JIG, and will evaluate the need for any further policy or policy related work on a periodic basis; and
  3. The ccNSO Council thanks the JIG for all its hard work in ensuring that solutions to these important issues are developed through community-based efforts.
26 March 2014Formation of CWG-WG



  1. Adopt the Charter and appoint Becky Burr as the ccNSO Council liaison to the CWG that will develop the Final Framework;
  2. Coordinate next steps with the GNSO Council to jointly issue a call for volunteers for the CWG; and
  3. Until such time as the CWG select its co-chairs for the Working Group and those co-chairs are confirmed by the ccNSO and GNSO Councils, the ccNSO Council liaison to the CWG shall serve as the interim co-chair from the ccNSO.
26 March 2014Formation of UCTN WG



  1. Adopt the Charter and appoint Paul Szyndler as the Interim ccNSO Co-Chair to the Cross-Community Working Group to advice on the feasibility of a framework for the use of Country and Territory names as TLDs, and develop such a framework if deemed feasible.
  2. Collaborate with the other SOs and ACs to issue a call for volunteers for this CWG, each in accordance with its own rules. The secretariat is requested to coordinate the call for volunteers.
26 March 2014Adoption of Election Review Recommendations


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the recommendations of its Election Review Committee:

  1. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to look into possibilities of developing a new voting system, which allows ach member to handle and update their own data and which is linked to a voting tool making it the voting much easier to handle.
  2. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to update the ccNSO Election Guidelines with the additional wording: " Only ccNSO Primary or Secondary Contacts, as listed in the ccNSO Database, are eligible to nominate or second a candidate" in the appropriate section.
  3. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to update the ccNSO Election Guidelines with the additional wording: Self-Nominations or Secondments are not allowed" in the appropriate section.
  4. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to continue its activities on awareness raising campaigns, when necessary.
26 March 2014Adoption of Roles and Responsibilities


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the assignment of tasks as proposed in the assignment of roles and responsibilities March 2014.

26 March 2014Thank you to SGNIC


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to thank the Singapore registry SGNIC for their involvement in and sponsorship of the ICANN meeting.

26 March 2014Thank you to Cocktail Sponsors


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to thank the sponsors of the ccTLD Cocktail: InternetNZ, APTLD, Nominet and SGNIC.

26 March 2014Thank you to departing Councillor Roelof Meijer


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to thank Roelof Meijer for all his hard work on the Council and for his consistent support of the ccNSO.

26 February 2014Formation of the Ad Hoc Study Group Internet Governance

92-01 (per email vote, supporting meeting 92)


  1. Adopt the proposed statement on purpose and scope of activities "Internet Governance" study group.
  2. Appoint its chair Byron Holland (.ca) as the chair of the group, and request the chair to ask the volunteers, who already keep track of the developments to participate as volunteer of this group.
  3. Request the secretariat to set-up a webpage on the ccNSO web-site with purpose to disseminate relevant information to the ccNSO membership and ccTLD community at-large
26 February 2014Ceasing sponsored ccNSO Lunches at ICANN meetings 

92-02 (per email vote, supporting meeting 92)


Cease the organisation of the ccNSO sponsored lunches as of the ccNSO meeting in London (22-26 June 2014) and to inform the ccNSO membership and broader ccTLD community accordingly during the ccNSO meeting in Singapore (25-26 March 2014).

19 February 2014Approval of .BW Membership Application 2-2014: Membership Approved
23 January 2014Invitation to participate in Cross-Community Working Group on Working Group Principles



  1. Participate in the new GNSO initiated cross-community drafting team as suggested,
  2. Appoint Becky Burr as co-chair of the Working Group.
  3. To call for volunteers once the WG has been formally established
15 January 2014Approval of .AS Membership Application 1-2014: Membership Approved