WHOIS Task Force 1 Teleconference March 16, 2004 - Minutes ATTENDEES: GNSO Constituency representatives: GNSO Secretariat: Glen de Saint Géry Absent: Jeff Neuman reported that he had sent round the summarized responses received so far to the list, commenting that most of the data came from Intellectual Property owners, but that there were no clear patterns. It would be difficult to make recommendations with so little data on an issue that would have such a profound effect. Constituency statements: Jeff Neuman, Paul Stahura and Milton Mueller meet to complete the registrars and registries questionnaire concerning technical information. It was suggested that the Constituencies refer to the task force terms of reference as guidelines for their position statements. Next Call: Chart out idea of what constituencies feel about issues. Jeff Neuman thanked everyone for their presence and participation and ended the call at 16:25 UTC. Next call: Tuesday 23 March 2004, 16:00 UTC, 11:00 EST, 8:00 Los Angeles, 17:00 CET. |