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EPDP Update – April 2019

Last Updated:

The GNSO Council submitted to the ICANN Board a Recommendations Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data. The report contains an analysis of affected parties, anticipated time to implement recommendations, and other pertinent information that will assist the Board's deliberations on the EPDP Phase 1 policy recommendations.

ICANN org established an informal Pre-Implementation Review Team (pre-IRT) to assist with the implementation planning of the EPDP Phase 1 policy recommendation until the formal IRT is convened. The pre-IRT is comprised of current and former EPDP Team members who are expected to eventually transition to the IRT.

On 18 April 2019, the GNSO Council approved the appointment of Janis Karklins, Latvian Ambassador to the United Nations at Geneva, as the chair for the EPDP Team Phase 2.