Statement of Interest
Jaime Wagner - Internet Service and Connectivity Providers Constituency
I am currently CEO of Plug In Internet S/A, a private ISP focusing on hosting and data center operations. Recently Plug In merged its operations with UOL, a listed company and the largest and most diversified ISP in Brazil. UOL eventually may act as a registrar, but this is an insignificant part of its business.
I am also a Director at Internetsul, an ISPs association in Brazil. I was also elected by all seven Brazilian ISPs associations to represent them in, brazilian Internet Steering Committee.
I hold official positions in a number of other private sector associations in Brazil, none of which has any conflict with my work in ICANN.
I have no employment, contract, financial interest or other business relationship with ICANN.
I have no other activity that could have any connection with my position as elected representative of the ISP and Connectivity Providers Constituency to the GNSO.