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GNSO Initiates the Policy Amendment Process on Specific Red Cross and Red Crescent Names

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The GNSO Council passed a motion to initiate a policy amendment process on the protection of specific Red Cross and Red Crescent names at the top and second level in all generic top-level domains (gTLDs). The Council requests to reconvene the Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group (PDP) which developed the original policy recommendations to consider proposing amendments to Recommendation 5 in Section 3.1 of its Final Report. In 2013, the PDP WG completed its work developing consensus recommendations for protecting the identifiers of International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs). Among the consensus recommendations in relations to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, some are inconsistent with the GAC advice on the topic and have not been adopted by the ICANN Board. At ICANN58, the GAC and the GNSO engaged in a facilitated dialogue (Session 1, Session 2), attempting to resolve the outstanding differences. Recognizing the set of exceptional circumstances and as per ICANN Board request, the GNSO agreed to take this extraordinary step to reconsider its policy recommendations.