Mission & Principles
The mission of the Commercial Stakeholders Group, hereafter “the CSG” is to ensure that:
- The CSG represents the views of commercial Internet users and relevant sectors of’ the ICT industry, including, large and small business entities, business organizations, Internet connectivity providers, intellectual property owners and intellectual property organizations;
- ICANN policy and ICANN contracts are consistent with the development of an Internet that is a safe place for business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions and communications and is based on high levels of business, user and consumer confidence, including policies that mitigate against undue threats and risks; protect intellectual property; support the stability and resiliency of the Internet, as affected by ICANN’s actions in its coordination of the unique identifiers.
CSG Charter: http://gnso.icann.org/improvements/csg-charter-01nov10-en.pdf
Membership to the CSG is coordinated through membership with one of its Constituencies. Please see the Constituency page for more details.
CSG Executive Committee
![Elisa Cooper](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/cooper-120x179-20mar12.jpg)
Elisa Cooper (SOI) / BC
![Kristina Rosette](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/rosette-120x181-05apr12.jpg)
Kristina Rosette (SOI) / IPC
![Tony Holmes](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/holmes-120x180-02apr12.jpg)
Tony Holmes (SOI) / ISPCP
![Marilyn Cade](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/cade-120x180-26jan12.jpg)
Marilyn Cade (SOI) / BC – Alternate
![J. Scott Evans](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/evans-120x179-02mar12.jpg)
J. Scott Evans (SOI) / IPC – Alternate
![Jaime Wagner](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/wagner-120x180-04jun12.jpg)
Jaime Wagner (SOI) / ISPCP – Alternate
GNSO Council Representatives
![Zahid Jamil](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/jamil-120x179-02apr12.jpg)
Zahid Jamil (SOI) – BC / AsiaPacific / October 2009 – October 2012
![John Berard](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/berard-120x181-02apr12.jpg)
John Berard (SOI) – BC / North America / December 2010 – November 2012
![Brian Winterfeldt](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/winterfeld-120x181-02apr12.jpg)
Brian Winterfeldt (SOI) – IPC / North America / October 2011 – November 2013
![David Taylor](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/taylor-120x179-02apr12.jpg)
David Taylor (SOI) – IPC / Europe / October 2010 – October 2012
![Wolf-Ulrich Knoben](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/knoben-120x179-02apr12.jpg)
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (SOI) – ISPCP / Europe / October 2009 – November 2013
![Osvaldo Novoa](/sites/default/files/gnso/images/novoa-120x181-02apr12.jpg)
Osvaldo Novoa (SOI) – ISPCP / Latin AC / October 2011 – November 2013
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- Not yet defined
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