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The GNSO Library is an interface by which users can search for all GNSO related work products such as meeting minutes, MP3 recordings of meetings, GNSO Council agendas, Working Group reports, etc.  Each document is tagged with a predefined taxonomy as it is populated into the Drupal database.  The left-hand navigation provides quick links of a document type tagged by “classification” and results are displayed with the most recent instance.  A more robust search interface is offered below allowing for more granular search capability and use of keywords.

TitleDate Sort ascending ClassificationsEntities
GNSO Working Group Guidelines31 五月 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Rapport initial sur la Récupération des noms de domaine après leur expiration Processus de développement de politique Résumé31 五月 2010
Initial Report on the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Policy Development Process31 五月 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR), Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Initial Report on the Post‐Expiration Domain Name Recovery Policy Development Process Executive Summary31 五月 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Council
Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Final Report29 五月 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Registration Abuse Policies (RAP), Working Groups / Teams
التقرير المبدئي الخاص بسياسة نقل التسجيل الداخلي - الجزء ب عملية تطوير السياسة الملخص التنفيذي29 五月 2010
注册服务商间域名迁移政策 B 部分 政策制定流程 初步报告 执行摘要 本文29 五月 2010
Rapport initial sur La politique de transfert entre bureaux d’enregistrement Processus de développement des politiques Résumé29 五月 2010
Initial Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy - Part B Policy Development Process29 五月 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, IRTP B, Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Предварительный отчет по процессу разработки политики в отношении политики изменения регистраторов — часть B Сводное резюме29 五月 2010
Informe Inicial sobre la Política de transferencia entre registradores – Parte B Proceso de Desarrollo de políticas Resumen Ejecutivo29 五月 2010
Initial Report on Proposals for Improvements to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement28 五月 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), Working Groups / Teams
GNSO Operating Procedures - Section 2.4 Board Seat Elections24 五月 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
GNSO Operating Procedures - Section 2.1: Council Member Term Limits and Definition of a "Special Circumstance"24 五月 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
GNSO Operating Procedures: GCOT Recommended Additions/Modifications to Chapter 4.0 - Voting24 五月 2010ReportGNSO, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
Final Consolidated Report OSC: Communication & Coordination Team (CCT)12 April 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Council, Communications Coordination (CCT), Operations Steering Committee (OSC), Working Groups / Teams
ICANN GNSO Operating Steering Committee (OSC) Chairman’s Overview of Work Items v409 April 2010ReportGNSO, Operations Steering Committee (OSC), Working Groups / Teams
Follow-up to WHOIS Studies Discussion on 1 April 201005 April 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Whois, Working Groups / Teams
Inventory of WHOIS Service Requirements - Initial Report26 March 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO
SOP Working Group Review of ICANN's Operational Framework FY 201124 March 2010Announcement, Report
Whois Studies Report for GNSO 23 March 201023 March 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council, Whois, Working Groups / Teams
Presentation Chair's Report Nairobi12 March 2010Report
ALAC Chair Publishes Nairobi Report12 March 2010Report
Women and Cybercrime in Kenya: The Dark Side of ICTS - Working Document v111 March 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Report
Council Workshop Nairobi Report07 March 2010Report
ccNSO Delegation & Redelegation Working Group Progress Report25 February 2010Announcement, Report, Interim / Status
DRDWG Progress Report 25 February 201025 February 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Report
Recommendations Report to the Board - Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B recommendation #9 part 216 February 2010ReportGNSO, IRTP B, Working Groups / Teams
Groupe de travail sur les politiques relatives aux enregistrements frauduleux Rapport initial12 February 2010
Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Initial Report12 February 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Registration Abuse Policies (RAP), Working Groups / Teams
Рабочая группа по вопросам политики борьбы со злоупотреблениями при регистрации Предварительный отчет12 February 2010
RESUMEN EJECUTIVO: Grupo de Trabajo sobre Políticas Referidas al Abuso de Registro Informe inicial12 February 2010
Registration Abuse Policies Working Group Initial Report [AR]12 February 2010
滥用注册政策工作组 - 初步报告12 February 2010
AoC DT Action Plan for Development of GNSO Endorsement of RT Volunteers10 February 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO
Proposed Process for GNSO Endorsement of Nominees to the Affirmation of Commitments Accountability and Transparency Review Team10 February 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO
Operating Procedures for GNSO Council Proposed 28 January 2010 Election of Board Seat 1328 January 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council, Council Operations (OPS)
GNSO Operating Procedures (v1.2; 28 January 2010)28 January 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Council, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
Statement of the Committee: Related to the Final Report on Three‐Character Requirement and Variant Management18 January 2010Final, Statement, Report
Informe Minoritario - Sobre el Informe de Cuestiones Especiales de Marcas (STI)18 January 2010
Особое мнение меньшинства - по отчёту по ряду вопросов, связанных с торговыми марками (ВТМ)18 January 2010
Minority Report: On Selected Trademark Issues (STI) Report18 January 2010Report
SOP WG Strategic Plan Review04 January 2010Report
Overview of Issues Report On Vertical Integration17 December 2009ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Vertical Integration (VI)
Special Trademark Issues Review Team Recommendations11 December 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG), Intellectual Property Constituency
Рекомендации рабочего комитета по особым вопросам, касающимся торговых марок11 December 2009
Recomendaciones del Equipo de Trabajo sobre Cuestiones Especiales de Marcas11 December 2009
توصيات فريق مراجعة مشكلات العلامة التجارية الخاصة التوصيات11 December 2009
商标问题特别审核小组建议11 December 2009
Recommandations de l’équipe de révision des problématiques spéciales liées aux marques de commerce11 December 2009
Request for PDP-WT Face-to-Face Meeting03 December 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Tool Kit Services Recommendations for Key GNSO Organizations05 November 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Constituency and Stakeholder Group Operations (CSG), Operations Steering Committee (OSC), Working Groups / Teams
Comparison - Joint GAC/ccNSO Topic Paper04 November 2009Report
Seoul Meeting Highlights02 November 2009Announcement, Report
GAC / ccNSO Liaison Group Report27 October 2009Report
Nom Com representative report by Margarita Valdés27 October 2009Report
ccNSO Meeting Programme WG Report27 October 2009Report
GAC / ccNSO Liaison Group Report23 October 2009Report
Tool Kit Services Recommendations for Key GNSO Organizations18 October 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Constituency and Stakeholder Group Operations (CSG), Operations Steering Committee (OSC), Working Groups / Teams
Report on the Issue of Whether Task 1, Subtask 4 Rec. Should Be Sent to the OSC Ahead of the Other Task 1 Rec.17 October 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Operations Steering Committee (OSC), Working Groups / Teams
ccNSO Nominations to the ccNSO Council 201008 October 2009Announcement, Report
Recommendations of the Communications / Coordination Team - ICANN GNSO Operations Steering Committee07 October 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Communications Coordination (CCT), Operations Steering Committee (OSC), Working Groups / Teams
Report on the ccNSO’s DNSSEC Survey 200928 September 2009Announcement, Report, Survey
GNSO Operating Procedures (24 September 2009 Draft Version For Public Review and Comment)24 September 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
GNSO Operating Procedures (24 September 2009 Draft Version For Public Review and Comment)24 September 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
GNSO Council Operating Procedures - Public Comment Draft17 September 2009Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
Fast Flux Hosting Final Report13 August 2009Presentation, Final, ReportGNSO, Council, Fast Flux, Working Groups / Teams
Final Issues Report on IDN ccPDP02 April 2009Announcement, Final, Report
Final Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (Part A)19 March 2009Final, Report
ccNSO Participation Working Group Final Report12 March 2009Announcement, Final, Report
IANA WG Report04 March 2009Report
ccNSO Council Workshop Mexico City01 March 2009Report
ISPC Reconfirmation & Request for Charter Renewal04 February 2009ReportInternet Service Providers Constituency
Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery: Issues Report18 December 2008Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Presentation, Report
ccNSO Nominations and Elections to the ccNSO Council 200912 December 2008Announcement, Report
Introduction of new gTLDs: the issue of geographic country or territory names12 December 2008Report
Board Liaison Report25 November 2008Report
Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report20 November 2008Presentation, Report
ccNSO Members Meeting Report11 November 2008Announcement, Report
Reserved Names Working Group Report22 October 2008ReportWorking Groups / Teams
Summary, Principles, Recommendations, & Implementation Guidelines22 October 2008ReportNew gTLD
September 2008 Liaisons01 September 2008ReportAt-Large GNSO Liaison
August 2008 ALAC01 August 2008Report
Draft Final Report of Recommendations for IDN ccTLD Fast Track Mechanism Made Available13 June 2008Announcement, Final, Report
Final Report: IRTP Issues PDP on Clarification of Denial Reasons04 June 2008Final, ReportRegistrars Constituency
GNSO Council Report to the ICANN Board: Recommendation for Domain Tasting25 April 2008Report
GNSO Final Report on Domain Tasting04 April 2008Final, Report
Addendum to Report on Public Suggestions on Further Studies of Whois27 March 2008Report
ccNSO Members Meeting Report in New Delhi, India15 February 2008Announcement, Report
Draft Initial Report of IDNC WG for Comment01 February 2008Announcement, Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Report
GNSO Initial Report on Domain Tasting07 January 2008Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Report
Recent GNSO Policy Development Activities on Whois15 November 2007ReportGNSO, Council
Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy: Clarification of Reasons for Denial of a Transfer Request19 October 2007Report
ICANN Geographical Regions - Final Report by the ccNSO Regions Working Group24 September 2007Announcement, Final, Report
Final Report - Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains08 August 2007Report, FinalGNSO
PART ONE -- POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS01 August 2007Final, Policy, ReportGNSO, New gTLD
ICANN Geographical Regions Report23 July 2007Report
ccNSO Members Report, San Juan, Puerto Rico03 July 2007Announcement, Report
GNSO Issues Report: Dispute Handling for IGO Names and Abbreviations27 June 2007Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Presentation, Report
Cover Letter - Working Group Report ICANN’s Geographic Regions20 June 2007Report