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The GNSO Library is an interface by which users can search for all GNSO related work products such as meeting minutes, MP3 recordings of meetings, GNSO Council agendas, Working Group reports, etc.  Each document is tagged with a predefined taxonomy as it is populated into the Drupal database.  The left-hand navigation provides quick links of a document type tagged by “classification” and results are displayed with the most recent instance.  A more robust search interface is offered below allowing for more granular search capability and use of keywords.

TitleDate Sort ascending ClassificationsEntities
Trademark Clearinghouse Implementation Update17 October 2012Presentation
NTCSG Update17 October 2012
IETF WEIRDS Working Group16 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Registrars Stakeholders Group (RrSG)
DNSSEC Deployment Around the World in 3 Minutes – Simon McCalla, .uk16 October 2012Presentation
Opportunities For ccTLDs With DNSSEC – Dan York, ISOCs16 October 2012Presentation
Contractual Compliance Update16 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Registrars Stakeholders Group (RrSG)
ICANN 45 Fellowship16 October 2012Presentation
ccTLD FY13 Support – Xavier Calves, ICANN16 October 2012Presentation
DNSSEC for .nl – Cees Toet, .nl16 October 2012Presentation
Czech DNSSEC Deployment Update – Ondrej Filip, .cz16 October 2012Presentation
Policy Update16 October 2012Presentation, PolicyGNSO, Registrars Stakeholders Group (RrSG)
Framework of Interpretation Working Group Update – Keith Davidson, .nz, FoI WG Chair; Bernie Turcotte, ICANN16 October 2012Presentation
IDN PDP WG 1 Update – Bart Boswinkel, ICANN16 October 2012Presentation
2012 NomCom Final Report16 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Registrars Stakeholders Group (RrSG)
IANA Update – Kim Davies, IANA16 October 2012Presentation
Update on the Replacement of the WHOIS Protocol - Murray Kucherawy (Co-chair, IETF WG on RESTful Whois); Francisco Arias, ICANN16 October 2012Presentation
De‐Accredited Registrar Transition Procedure16 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Registrars Stakeholders Group (RrSG)
Improving DNS Contents in the RRR World16 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Registrars Stakeholders Group (RrSG)
ICANN's Africa Strategy | Document V1.1 | Presentation by Africa Strategy Working Group16 October 2012Presentation
IANA Contract Renewal Update – Vernita Harris, NTIA16 October 2012Presentation
.CN: Chinese Experience, Serve the Global – Xiantang Sun, CNNIC16 October 2012Presentation
Combined Issues Report – Draft Outline15 October 2012Presentation
SSAC Current Activities - Julie Hedlund, ICANN15 October 2012Presentation
RAA Negotiations15 October 2012Presentation
DNSSEC for Beginners VII: Session Notes15 October 2012Presentation
ASO Activities and Policy Update15 October 2012Presentation
Abuse Mitigation - Garth Miller, CoCCATools15 October 2012Presentation
Host Presentation - Jacque Latour, .ca15 October 2012Presentation
Trademark Clearinghouse Working Session: Sunrise and Trademark Claims Implementation15 October 2012Presentation
Fadi Charts the Course15 October 2012Presentation
New gTLD Update15 October 2012Presentation
Joint ccNSO / GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG) Agenda15 October 2012AgendaGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
DNSSEC for Everybody: A Beginner's Guide15 October 2012Presentation
JIG Working Group Update – Edmon Chung, .asia15 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
DSSA Working Group Update - Mikey O'Connor, Co-Chair15 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG)
Community Guidance & Advice Process15 October 2012Presentation
Abuse Mitigation – Greg Aaron, Michael Young, NameSentry15 October 2012Presentation
ICANN 45 Fellowship15 October 2012Presentation
ICANN Board Public Forum Action List - Prague June 201214 October 2012Presentation
ICANN 45 Fellowship14 October 2012Presentation
ICANN Engagement Tools14 October 2012Presentation
Passive DNS Collection – Henry Stern, Cisco14 October 2012Presentation
DNS RRL In Action – Paul Vixie, ISC14 October 2012Presentation
Estimating the Number of DNSSEC Validators - Duane Wessels, Verisign14 October 2012Presentation
Ombudsman 10114 October 2012Presentation
Draft FY14 Budget Process: Finance Ad Hoc Community Group Proposal14 October 2012Presentation
Measuring DNSSEC Validation – Matthäus Wander, University of Duisburg-Essen14 October 2012Presentation
co.ZA Policy Engine - Michael O’Connell, co.za14 October 2012Presentation
ICANN Policy Overview14 October 2012Presentation, Policy
Contractual Compliance at ICANN14 October 2012Presentation
SSAC Activities Update Toronto14 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Open Source Passive DNS Replication - Robert Edmonds, ISC14 October 2012Presentation
Introduction to Registries and Registrars - Registry Update14 October 2012Presentation
DNS RPZ In Action – Paul Vixie, ISC14 October 2012Presentation
Topics about Technical Issues - Joonhyung Lim, .kr14 October 2012Presentation
ICANN 45: Week Ahead14 October 2012Presentation
gTLD Program Update14 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
SOP Working Group Strategic Planning Update – Kurt Pritz, ICANN, Carol Cornell, ICANN14 October 2012Presentation
DSC on Top of PacketQ - Johan Ihren, Netnod14 October 2012Presentation
Uniformity of Contracts to Address Registration Abuse - Final Issue Report14 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Uniformity of Contracts to Address Registration Abuse (UofC)
Introduction to ICANN Multi-Stakeholder Model14 October 2012Presentation
Recent Developments in Domain Name Space14 October 2012Presentation
DNS-OARC/ccNSO TechDay Agenda14 October 2012Agenda
DNS Anomaly Classification - Ondrej Filip, .CZ14 October 2012Presentation
DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA) Update Toronto13 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG)
Update on Recent IETF WHOIS Activities13 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Whois, Working Groups / Teams
Whois Studies Update13 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Whois, Working Groups / Teams
Final Issue Report on Protection of International Organization Names in New gTLDs13 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs (IGO-INGO)
RAA Status Update to GNSO Council Working Session13 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice & Competition13 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation Working Group (CCI)
Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels Team Workshop13 October 2012Agenda
GNSO Council WHOIS Review Team Update13 October 2012PresentationGNSO, Council, Whois, Working Groups / Teams
Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels Team Workshop Agenda12 October 2012Agenda
Toronto 45 Meeting Guide12 October 2012Guide
Final GNSO WHOIS Review Team Summary Chart12 October 2012Final, Report, SummaryGNSO, Whois, Working Groups / Teams
Update from ICANN's Policy Department12 October 2012Announcement, Policy Update
RySG Charter Revisions11 October 2012Public Comment PeriodGNSO, Registries Stakeholders Group (RySG)
Volunteers to Cross-Community Principles Development Working Group Sought11 October 2012Announcement
Application for Candidacy (AFC) Form11 October 2012FormGNSO, GNSO Constituencies
ccNSO Members Meeting Agenda Toronto 16 – 17 October 201211 October 2012Agenda, Announcement
Request for Recognition (RFR) Form11 October 2012FormGNSO, GNSO Constituencies
(170) University Community Partnership for Social Action Research [PDF, 179 KB]10 October 2012Form
CCAOI AFC Supplement10 October 2012FormGNSO, GNSO Constituencies
Application for New GNSO Constituency Candidacy: Public Internet Access/Cybercafe Ecosystem10 October 2012Public Comment PeriodGNSO
Informe Final sobre el PDP para la IRTP Parte C09 October 2012
PDP الجزء ج IRTP التقرير النهائي حول09 October 2012
IRTP C 部分 PDP 最终报告09 October 2012
IRTP C Work Group Transcript09 October 2012TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, IRTP C
Rapport final sur le PDP IRTP Partie C09 October 2012
IRTP C Work Group09 October 2012AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, IRTP C
Final Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy - Part C Policy Development Process09 October 2012Final, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, IRTP C
Итоговый отчет по ПРП ПИР (часть C)09 October 2012
Thick WHOIS PDP Drafting Team08 October 2012AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Thick Whois PDP
ccNSO Council Minutes 25 September 201208 October 2012Announcement, Minutes
Information Paper for Toronto New gTLD Update Session08 October 2012Presentation
Thick WHOIS PDP Drafting Team Transcript08 October 2012TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Thick Whois PDP
'Thick' Whois PDP Working Group (WG) Charter08 October 2012CharterGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Thick Whois PDP
Ops-DSSA Telephone Conference08 October 2012AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Ops DSSA
Capacity Building Study Group Telephone Conference05 October 2012
Framework of Interpretation Working Group Telephone Conference Transcript04 October 2012Transcript