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RE: [ga] RE: GA irrelevant

  • To: "'GNSO GA Mailing List'" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] RE: GA irrelevant
  • From: "Roberto Gaetano" <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 02:40:46 +0200

I think that we are turning in circles, but let me give a last reply on this

> The whole problem is that ICANN even asks for a renewed 
> "petition to form a constituency".

Since the GNSO structure has changed, these are the activities ongoing to
form new constituencies:

> Registrants *are* a logical constituency , much more so than, 
> say, the IP "constituency", and ICANN knows this, but does 
> not want to let its Board formally acknowledge it.

If is the case that Registrants *are* a logical constituency, and I believe
it is, it should not be very difficult to write a charter following the
instructions on the url above. If there is no proposal, the Board cannot
approve it. It reminds me a famous italian joke about a guy that was asking
San Gennaro for a miracle.

> George and Sotiris are right about the further hoops 
> organizers have to jump though.
> You did not answer my question  about how to motivate 
> prospective representatives in the face of the massive 
> existing demotivation of having to try this all over again 
> and for no real result.

I have no idea on how to motivate prospective representatives, and have no
intention to run around and motivate people if they are not convinced by
themselves. I am only replying to the question: "How to have a
representation of Registrants in the GNSO?" with the answer: "Getting a
constituency formed!". If there is not enough motivation to write a charter
and go through the process, the logical consequence is that there's going to
be no representation of the Registrants, as simple as that.

> How about voting for a bootstrap Chair/Committee to form the 
> nucleus of an RC, which could formulate a charter that might 
> have a chance at passing muster as a serious effort?

With all the free tools that are available today for social networks, it
seems to me that it should not be exceedingly difficult to get a bunch of
people together to write a charter. I am pretty sure that none of the groups
who have written prospective constituency charters (see again the url above)
have set up a complete parliamentary structure: after all you need to write
a charter, not a constitution.

> How did you know I was a Magritte fan?

We all crazies are Magritte fans ;>)


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