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RE: [ga] Call for Elimination of AGP

  • To: "Ross Rader" <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] Call for Elimination of AGP
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 15:09:11 +0100


This is a constructive dialog. You know very well how registries' and
registrars' say is seriously being taken in the GNSO, much more than
that of other stakeholders. When reading the GNSO conference transcripts
discussing the drafted recommendations I am reading about registrars'
concerns, registrars' needs, and registrars' impacts. The same for
registries and somewhere also IP claims are presented. But I could not
find any serious discussion about the most preferred suggestion
explicitly expressed by the public to which the issue is targeted. My
question is why? Why cannot the Council open serious discussion about
the AGP elimination? I do not understand it at all. I am not going to
speculate over this.

In my posts, as well as other posts sent on the GA and other mailing
lists, I am trying to collect as much facts as possible and trying to
exclude emotional speech as regards the merits. Our comments and
thoughts do not seem to have been seriously considered at GNSO and
factual opposition has never been presented. Just silence.

In my understanding there is no any legitimate reason for further
keeping the AGP concept. Especially when we realize that AGP did not
pass the standard PDP process. Most of the claims presented by
registrars can be accomplished differently. Others cannot be accepted as
domain registration business with all the abuse proven is simply not
eligible for demanding such extra features. And I and others here see
the elimination of AGP the solution of domain tasting abuse.

I am sorry, but your wording about letting you pass the costs of your
mistakes on to your customers is a weak argument for keeping the AGP or
all its clones. The same can happen at credit card services and their
resellers and they do not have any AGP. Simply, if someone makes a
mistake it is his or her responsibility to cope with the consequences
much like in any other business. If such mistakes persist for whatever
reason it just shows that the business is not reliable enough and does
not properly serve its customers.

I know that elimination of AGP will have certain impact on registrars
and perhaps also on registries. But I am convinced that there exists an
acceptable workaround how to accomplish it without relying on AGP. There
are many examples around. We on the GA can also be helpful in finding
the workaround.

Domain tasting is a colossal abuse committed on wide community of users,
stakeholders and registrants. It is therefore the target audience to
whom the final solution is to be addressed. Furthermore, they are
customers of registrars and registries and as such they deserve honest
and fair treatment. And registrars and registries are in position to
serve them. That is why I used my perhaps a bit harsh wording 'I do not


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Ross Rader
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 12:32 PM
Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx >> GA
Subject: Re: [ga] Call for Elimination of AGP

On Mar 28, 2008, at 3:44 AM, Dominik Filipp wrote:
> Pretty harsh for whom? For registrars, tasters, speculators? I do not 
> care. A big relief for all users/stakeholders/registrants all 
> registrars should be serving.

Oh yeah sorry. I forgot that we don't get a say in the policies that
affect us. I guess you'd prefer that we pass the costs of these mistakes
on to our customers. Fine. I thought this was a constructive dialogue,
but your big "screw you" comes through loud and clear.

And people wonder why the GA doesn't get taken seriously.


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