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[ga] Call for Elimination of AGP

  • To: <domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Call for Elimination of AGP
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 15:43:19 +0100

Both the GNSO Council recommendations sent to ICANN Board for
consideration inherently supports domain tasting abuse as a vital or
surviving phenomenon. The first recommendation allows for domain tasting
abuse that can even be increased by involving public interest in
participation on the practice. For more details see my post "How to
Unleash Domain Tasting for $0.20".

The second recommendation will certainly lead to decrease of the
practice but as I depict in the post "Current Drafted Motion - Another
Sort of Speculation?" there are still more than 100,000 domains
available for abuse every single month. Considering the vague
terminology of the document and many unanswered or possibly unanswerable
questions the number of domains that can be potentially abused can be

Both recommendations seem to have failed in attempt to eliminate the
abusive aspect of domain tasting and instead involve ICANN to
participate on the practice. The source of the abuse lies in existence
of a privilege for Registrars over other users, stakeholders and other
interested parties. In the first case the privilege is the possibility
to delete domains for $0.20 after five days after registration. In the
second case it is the possibility to delete certain number of domains
after five days with no charge at all. Provided Registrars do not abide
by any restrictions concerning warehousing and affiliation to suspect
phantom registrants, the recommendations legitimate this abusive
practice preferring Registrars' interests to the detriment of all other
parties in the Internet community. This is in contradiction with the
spirit of equal opportunities for all and also with the ethical and
fairness principles declared in ICANN Core Values.

The only consistent and fair solution is to eliminate the privilege,
which are all variants of AGP proposed.


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