Archived Project 2008
The Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) aims to provide a straight forward procedure for domain name holders to transfer their names from one ICANN accredited registrar to another should they wish to do so. The policy also provides standardized requirements for registrar handling of such transfer requests from domain name holders. The policy is an existing community consensus policy that was implemented in late 2004 and is now being reviewed by the GNSO.
Below you will find the chronology of the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy initiation of the Policy Development Process.

Web Presence:
- Wiki – Not found
- Email Archive -
Responsible Staff Member:
- Olof Nordling, Marika Konigs
Final Report:
Submitted on: 12 February 2003
- Final Report and Recommendations of the GNSO Council's Transfers Task Force / Policies and Processes for Gaining and Losing Registrars:
- Public Comment: Not found
GNSO Inter-Registrar Policy:
Adopted on: 12 July 2004
- 2004 IRTP Policy:
GNSO Resolution on the Initiation of Working Group:
Adopted on: 5 May 2005
To form a working group with a representative group of volunteers from the GNSO to review the staff Transfers report in order to seek clarification, further information and provide guidance for the 6 month review and to report back to the Council at its meeting on June 2, 2005.
Final Report:
Submitted on: 12 February 2007
- Report:
- Public Comment: Not found
GNSO Resolution on the Initiation of the PDP:
Adopted on: 20 September 2007
- Whereas the GNSO Working Group on Inter-registrar Domain Transfers Policy Review (Transfers WG) has completed its work, and;
- Whereas, the Transfers WG has provided a series of reports to the GNSO Council for its consideration,
Be it resolved that;
- The GNSO Council will issue the working group report entitled "Advisory Concerning Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy" for constituency and community review and comment for a period of no less than 14 days, and;
- pursuant to this comment period, all material commentary will be summarized and reviewed by Council
- pursuant to the review by Council that the current, or an amended form of this report be provided to Staff for posting to the ICANN web site as a community advisory.
- Pursuant to section 1.b of Annex A of ICANN's Bylaws, that the GNSO Council initiate the formal GNSO Policy Development Process by requesting the creation of an issues report evaluating issues raised by the working group document "Points of Clarification Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy.
- That the GNSO Council form a short-term planning group to analyse and prioritize the policy issues raised in the report "Communication to GNSO on Policy Issues Arising from Transfer Review" before the Council further considers a PDP on any of the work discussed in the report
IRTP Initial Issue Report – Points of Clarification:
Submitted on: 19 March 2008
- Transfer Denial Clarification Page:
PDP Grouping Report:
Submitted on: 19 March 2008
- Report:
- Public Comment: Not applicable
GNSO Resolution on the PDP Grouping and Initiation of PDP:
Adopted on: 5 May 2008
The Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) is an existing consensus policy under review by the GNSO,
An IRTP working group examined possible areas for improving the existing policy and delivered its outcome in August 2007 in a report posted at and this report provided a list of potential issues to address for improvement of the transfer policy, [See Link for Details]
Resolve that five PDPs be initiated in the order suggested by the small group and shown here: [See Link for Details]
Implementation Details:
Additional Information:
- None