Archived Project 2009
The Implementation Recommendation Team (IRT) was formed by ICANN's Intellectual Property Constituency in accordance with the 6 March, 2009 ICANN Board resolution ( The resolution was in response to the request by the community seeking solutions for potential issues for trademark holders in the implementation of new gTLDs. The team reflected experiential and geographic diversity and was comprised of 18 members and two alternates.
Results of IRT work were part of ICANN consultations regarding the overarching issues (see identified in the new gTLD implementation work.

Web Presence:
- Wiki
- Email Archive – Password protected
Responsible Staff Member:
- Margie Milam
ICANN Board Resolution Text to Convene IRT:
Adopted on: 06 March 2009
Summary: Therefore resolved (2009.03.06.06), that the Board requests the GNSO's Intellectual Property Constituency in consultation with staff to convene an Implementation Recommendation Team comprised of an internationally diverse group of persons with knowledge, expertise, and experience in the fields of trademark, consumer protection, or competition law, and the interplay of trademarks and the domain name system to develop and propose solutions to the overarching issue of trademark protection in connection with the introduction of new gTLDs…..… [see link for details]
IRT Initial Report:
Submitted on: 24 April 2009
IRT Final Report:
Submitted on: 29 May 2009
ICANN Board Resolution Text for IRT Recommendations:
Adopted on: 26 June 2009
Summary: Resolved (2009.06.26.25), the Board thanks the members of their IRT for their intensive engagement on these issues and their detailed and articulate proposals…..… [see link for details]
Implementation Details:
The IRT submitted the Final Report to the ICANN Board for consideration by the ICANN community at the Sydney meeting, along with other proposals or recommendations from the community on the topic of trademark protection in new gTLDs. Specifically, the IRT presented the Final Report to the ICANN Board at the Sydney Open Meeting on 21 June, 2009, and also briefed to the GNSO, interested Constituencies and others during the Sydney meeting. Many but not all recommendations were implemented into the Applicant Guidebook. Please see the past and final versions of the Applicant Guidebook for details.
Additional Information:
- None