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Re: [ga] court supervision, follow on article

Veni Markovski wrote:
At 05:52 PM 11.10.2006 '?.' -0700, Karl Auerbach wrote:
Oh, you mean the thing with the entire content relevant to what you are asserting (ICANN immunity) is contained in one paragraph of two sentences that simply states a conclusion without supporting

I am not saying that ICANN has immunity - you asume I said it. I just said (and Michael Froomking, who is a US lawyer, right?) confirmed that it doesn't seem a case for ICANN. You, and others, have different opinions. Well, we'll just wait and see who is right. I don't asume I am right, but I see you asume you are right.

You seem to have missed my point entirely.

I, also, believe, that in the spamhaus case that ICANN is reasonably safe, particularly since PIR is a better target for the order. But as I and others have pointed out, ICANN is not as safe as it's press release legal opinion pretends it to be.

But the bigger problem, which is the subject I've been addressing, is twofold:

1) ICANN has an institutional hubris that makes it believe that it is somehow exempt from normal legal responsibilities

2) The members of the board abandon their responsibilities and accept whatever nonsense that ICANN's staff feeds them. In this particular instance that nonsense being an empty assertion that ICANN has no power over domain name registrations.

Someday a better formed case will come along and ICANN's do-nothing, question-nothing directors are going to let staff lead 'em into a deep, expensive swamp.


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