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Re: [ga] court supervision, follow on article

Veni Markovski wrote:
At 03:35 PM 11.10.2006 '?.' -0700, Karl Auerbach wrote:
It's John Jeffrey's job. He has responded, and I've forwarded the response.

You did? I believe you sent a statement of your opinion and not the statement of ICANN's counsel.

Well, you believe wrong. There was even a link to the statement, which is on the ICANN's page.

Oh, you mean the thing with the entire content relevant to what you are asserting (ICANN immunity) is contained in one paragraph of two sentences that simply states a conclusion without supporting that conclusion?

I thought that was a press release.

Were I a member of the board I would have responded to ICANN's legal staff that that thing is adequate as a press release but that it is insufficient as a well articulated evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of ICANNs position and the risks should things go against ICANN.

I hope ICANN didn't pay legal fees for that.

Again, I'm not a director, you are. It is your job to make *independent* and *informed* decisions. And there is reason, as I have shown, to believe that ICANN's claims of immunity are overbroad. The fact that you don't even want to go out and get independent information on that is telling.

Decisions? What decisions? On a situation which doesn't exist?

Not all decisions of a director are choices to act. There are also decisions to not act.

Again, one more time - California law does not allow you to simply believe "staff". The *ONLY* people you are allowed to rely upon are certain specialized people such as attorneys and accountants.

There's some paradox here, but I don't have time to engage on that. Just think of the reaction on some of the votes.

No paradox - Section 5231(b) of the California Corporations Code - http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=corp&group=05001-06000&file=5230-5239

(b) In performing the duties of a director, a director shall be
entitled to rely on information, opinions, reports or statements,
including financial statements and other financial data, in each case
prepared or presented by:    (1) One or more officers or employees
of the corporation whom the director believes to be reliable and
competent in the matters presented;   (2) Counsel, independent
accountants or other persons as to matters which the director
believes to be within such person's professional or expert
competence; or   (3) A committee of the board upon which the director
does not serve, as to matters within its designated authority, which
committee the director believes to merit confidence, so long as, in
any such case, the director acts in good faith, after reasonable
inquiry when the need therefor is indicated by the circumstances and
without knowledge that would cause such reliance to be unwarranted.

In order to rely upon staff, i.e., "officers or employees", you have to believe them to be "reliable and competent in the matters presented" - which means that you ought to be able to articulate concrete grounds why you believe them to be both reliable and competent - simple acceptance because they are "staff" is not sufficient.

And I do hope you realize that ICANN's counsel is *not* your counsel; his job is to protect the corporation, even if that means sending a director down the drain. I long ago recommended that every director seek his/her own legal counsel who would inform them of their obligations.


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