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Re: [ga] [Fwd: [address-policy-wg] ICANN Ratifies Global Policy for Allocation of IPv6 Address Space]

Hi, Ted.

I don't think that I expect a fan club. If I needed one, I'd have gone into the show industry. What I will keep on telling people on this list, is that they should just behave like grown-up and educated persons. It's easy to insult someone; it's much more difficult to ask for pardon. I don't see a reason why someone should attack Thomas for his e-mail.

The criticism should always be with some aim, it's not wise to have the criticism itself as an aim.

I have learnt in some ocasions more from constructive criticism than from reports - but I've never learnt anything from criticism made with anger and without any constructive proposals in it.


At 07:20 AM 14.9.2006 '?.' -0400, Prophet Partners Inc. wrote:
Hi Veni,

We're certain that you would agree that the people that participate at this
forum are here to discuss ICANN issues that concern them. Given that GA
subscribers have different agendas, there is certain to be controversy in
various discussions. ICANN does some things well, which can be left alone.
This isn't a pep rally with everyone cheering for the same thing. The other
issues that require improvement are the main topics of discussion here.

Contrary to what you may believe or expect, this is also not an ICANN fan

Veni Markovski

check also my blog:

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