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Re: [ga] Re: [Politech] Dick Cheney's domain name misstep

At 02:45 10/10/2004, Andy Gardner wrote:
9. Jeffie, appears to see things differently - perhaps he went to the same maths class as George Bush? - and claims that HE was proved right and I wrong. Then he comes out with the completely bizarre, meaningless sentence ( again much like his hero GWB would)...

Oh! You mean that Jeff would NOT be George?

I thought it established a long ago from his records of Pilot, Judge, etc. that George W. was just playing it low key here with us as Jeff? The meeting he organized in Dallas could not have happen if Jeff was not the local Governor? Andy, you are pulling my leg. Many other clues tell you are wrong. Such as all the mails Mrs. Rice sent to him under an Asian name.


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