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Re: [ga] Re: [Politech] Dick Cheney's domain name misstep

  • To: Art McGee <amcgee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Re: [Politech] Dick Cheney's domain name misstep
  • From: Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 21:32:56 -0700
  • Cc: Declan McCullagh <declan@xxxxxxxx>, rms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, General Assembly of the DNSO <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Organization: INEGroup Spokesman
  • References: <Pine.GSO.4.58.0410070511210.29387@well.com> <4165FBBE.85BBAA78@ix.netcom.com> <Pine.LNX.4.61.0410071808380.3870@qvo.qernzubfg.pbz>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Art and all,

  I didn't say that George Soros registered factcheck.com, but
he or whomever his webmaster allowed the link to georgesoros.com,
which George is responsible for I assume...

  I also disagree that getting nasty because someone else is
or some other political party/group is or does is the right
way to address their wrong behavior...  Yet I can and have
at times identified with the feeling.

  What is better is to be honest, straight forward, insistant,
and persistent.

Art McGee wrote:

> > However I do have to say that George Soros is more wrong
> > for taking advantage of the Vice president's misstep.
> >
> > On has to remember and consider, that Dick was in the
> > middle of a debate when he made the misstep and to take
> > such advantage of such a small misstep is not good
> > political form.
> No, no, and no! George Soros does NOT own the domain
> factcheck.com! Check the records. The person or group
> who owns the domain are the ones who, realizing Cheney's
> mistake, decided to redirect the URL to point at Soros'
> web site. Soros had nothing to do with that, irrespective
> of whether it was tacky or not.
> Frankly, considering how dirty, disingenuous, and
> duplicitous the right-wing and reactionary forces are in
> the United States, I say that's it's damn fucking time that
> Liberals and Progressives started to fight back. The culture
> of niceness has literally destroyed liberalism in America
> as conservatives, reactionaries, and fascists have done
> whatever it takes to win. The gloves should have come
> off long ago. As Sean Connery so aptly put it in The
> Untouchables:
> "If he pulls out a knife, you pull out a gun.
> If he sends one of your men to the hospitable,
> You send one of his to the morgue."
> Art

Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 134k members/stakeholders strong!)
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