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Re: [ga] [Fwd: [address-policy-wg] ICANN Ratifies Global Policy for Allocation of IPv6 Address Space]

Hi Thomas,

We have no interest in learning about the private and confidential life of
Board members. However, we are concerned about the shaping of ICANN policies
that may have significant repercussions for the public. Why shouldn't the
public be allowed to listen in, view or read Board discussions which concern
them, unless there is something that Board members want to hide? The wider
dissemination of important information to the GNSO would only certainly be
in line with ICANN's Core Value #7 which says:

Employing open and transparent policy development mechanisms that (i)
promote well-informed decisions based on expert advice, and (ii) ensure that
those entities most affected can assist in the policy development process.

Prophet Partners Inc.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Narten" <narten@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Veni Markovski" <veni@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [ga] [Fwd: [address-policy-wg] ICANN Ratifies Global Policy for
Allocation of IPv6 Address Space]

> Veni Markovski <veni@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> > At 09:27 AM 14.9.2006 '?.'  -0400, Thomas Narten wrote:
> > >give-and-take if people are worried about their every email message or
> > >questions will be scrutinized by, e.g., bloggers.
> > bloggers are not a problem. I blog about what happens at the Board at
> > http://blog.veni.com
> Not the point I was making.  If (for example) every email to the board
> list was public (instead of private) and subject to examination by
> others (e.g., bloggers), it would change the dynamics of the board
> discussions, in a negative way (IMO).
> Problem isn't bloggers per se, it's the idea that literally everything
> should be public.
> Thomas

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