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Re: [ga] Notice to Jeff Williams Re: GA list archives problems?

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Notice to Jeff Williams Re: GA list archives problems?
  • From: "Tom Evans" <fromtomevans@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:55:45 -0400

sigh, i thought this would be a hotly debated TLDA discussion, what's with
the public flogging "he's so naughty" bottleneck???

On 4/14/08, David Scott <tlda@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Apologizes Dominik, I hit reply instead of reply-all.
> I am wondering if a formal warning on the list should be issue, so that
> everyone gets the warning, and further that the suspension be set in effect
> starting the next posting day.
> What exactly is the rule of exceeding the posting limit. Or where is it
> documented that what the repercussions of exceeding the posing limit is.
> On another note, why are we limited to only 5 post, I understand that on
> any given topic of discussion that if it is deemed a "hot" topic the limit
> then should be more then 5, as it seems almost a waste of thought, to have
> to wait another day to continue a discussion.
> That's just my 2 cents...
> David Scott

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