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The GNSO Library is an interface by which users can search for all GNSO related work products such as meeting minutes, MP3 recordings of meetings, GNSO Council agendas, Working Group reports, etc.  Each document is tagged with a predefined taxonomy as it is populated into the Drupal database.  The left-hand navigation provides quick links of a document type tagged by “classification” and results are displayed with the most recent instance.  A more robust search interface is offered below allowing for more granular search capability and use of keywords.

TitleDate Sort ascending ClassificationsEntities
International Registration Data Working Group (IRD-WG)21 November 2011AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Internationalized Registration Data
International Registration Data Working Group (IRD-WG) Transcript21 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Internationalized Registration Data
NomCom Letter on Selection Demands20 November 2011
ALAC Statement on the Draft Final Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group17 November 2011Statement
GNSO Council Meeting Minutes 17 November 201117 November 2011MinutesGNSO, Council
IDN PDP Working Group 2 Telephone Conference17 November 2011Audio
Update to GNSO Council Amendments to the RAA Presentation17 November 2011PresentationGNSO, Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), Working Groups / Teams
IDN PDP Working Group 2 Telephone Conference Notes17 November 2011
GNSO Council Teleconference17 November 2011AudioGNSO, Council
GNSO Council Teleconference Transcript17 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Council
ALAC Statement on the Community Input on Draft 2012-­‐2015 Strategic Plan17 November 2011Statement
DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG)17 November 2011AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG)
Agenda for GNSO Council Meeting - 17 November 201117 November 2011AgendaGNSO, Council
DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG) Transcript17 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG)
Update from ICANN’s Policy Department16 November 2011Announcement
ALAC Statement on the Variant Issues Project Case Studies16 November 2011Statement
.MN Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO16 November 2011Announcement
ccNSO Council Minutes15 November 2011Minutes
IRTP C Work Group15 November 2011AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, IRTP C
ccNSO Work Plan November 201115 November 2011Plan
IRTP C Work Group Transcript15 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, IRTP C
SOP Working Group Submission to ICANN Draft Strategic Plan 2012-201515 November 2011Announcement, Summary
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference15 November 2011Audio
ccNSO / ALAC Liaison Report – ccNSO Council Meeting15 November 2011Report
Consumer Metrics Project Discussion Transcript15 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation Working Group (CCI)
Draft Agenda ccNSO Telephone Conference15 November 2011Agenda
Consumer Metrics Project Discussion15 November 2011AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation Working Group (CCI)
Ops-DSSA Telephone Conference14 November 2011Audio
ccNSO Council Minutes Dakar14 November 2011Announcement
Olga Cavalli - Candidate Statement11 November 2011StatementGNSO
Framework of Interpretation Working Group Telephone Conference10 November 2011Audio
DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG) Transcript10 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG)
GNSO Drafting Group on CWGs10 November 2011GNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Cross Community WG Discussing Recommendation 6 of the New gTLD Process (Rec6 CDG-WG)
Framework of Interpretation Working Group Telephone Conference Notes10 November 2011
Whois Survey Drafting Team Transcript10 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, WHOIS Survey Requirements (WSWG)
DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG)10 November 2011AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA WG)
GNSO Drafting Group on CWGs Transcript10 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Cross Community WG Discussing Recommendation 6 of the New gTLD Process (Rec6 CDG-WG)
Whois Survey Drafting Team10 November 2011AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, WHOIS Survey Requirements (WSWG)
Framework of Interpretation Working Group Telephone Conference Transcript10 November 2011Transcript
Geographic Regions Statement Drafting Team Telephone Conference09 November 2011Audio
JIG WG Transcript08 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
IRTP C Work Group08 November 2011AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, IRTP C
IRTP C Work Group Transcript08 November 2011TranscriptGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, IRTP C
JIG WG08 November 2011AudioGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
Revisions to Annex A of the Bylaws to Adopt the New GNSO Policy Development Process04 November 2011Public Comment PeriodGNSO
GNSO Policy Development Process Manual04 November 2011Guideline / RuleGNSO, Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Dakar ccNSO Members Meeting Evaluation 25 - 26 October 201103 November 2011Announcement
ccNSO Activity Summary October 201101 November 2011Announcement, Summary
Volume 11, Issue 11 – November 201101 November 2011Policy UpdateGNSO
Dakar ccNSO Meeting Highlight Report31 October 2011Announcement, Report
ccNSO Travel Funding Open for San José Applications31 October 2011Announcement
Board Governance Committee Report28 October 2011Presentation
Board Finance Committee Report28 October 2011Presentation
Board IANA Committee Report28 October 2011Presentation
Board Global Relations Committee Report28 October 2011Presentation
Nomcom Report28 October 2011PresentationGNSO
Board Audit Committee Report28 October 2011Presentation
SSAC Report28 October 2011PresentationGNSO
ASO Report28 October 2011PresentationGNSO
Board Public Participation Committee Report28 October 2011Presentation
Board Risk Committee Report28 October 2011Presentation
GNSO Report28 October 2011PresentationGNSO
Board Structural Improvements Committee Report28 October 2011Presentation
Ombudsman Report28 October 2011PresentationGNSO
Board Committee Reports28 October 2011Presentation
ALAC Chair Report28 October 2011PresentationGNSO
ALAC Chair Publishes Dakar Report28 October 2011Announcement
SAC 051: SSAC Report on Domain Name WHOIS Terminology and Structure27 October 2011Presentation
Outcomes of Public Consultation - Transition from IPv4 to IPv627 October 2011Presentation
New Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) - The Application & Evaluation Process (ES)27 October 2011Presentation
Dot Connect Africa Statement for the ICANN Public Forum27 October 2011Presentation
.BF Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO27 October 2011Announcement
SSAC Membership Committee Update27 October 2011Presentation
Nomination and Election Report for ccNSO Council 201227 October 2011Announcement, Report
Framework of Interpretation Working Group Meeting Notes27 October 2011
IPv6 deployment in South Africa27 October 2011Presentation
RySG Alternative Proposal for Continuity Operations Instrument27 October 2011Presentation
DSSA‐WG Progress Update27 October 2011Presentation
Continuity of Operations Instrument27 October 2011Presentation
Action Items27 October 2011PresentationGNSO
IPv6 Transition in Senegal27 October 2011Presentation
New Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) - The Application & Evaluation Process (RU)27 October 2011Presentation
Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories Agenda27 October 2011Agenda
Security & Stability Advisory Committee27 October 2011Presentation
Sonatel: An IPv6 Experience27 October 2011Presentation
New Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) - The Application & Evaluation Process (EN)27 October 2011Presentation
ICANN’s Geographic Regions27 October 2011Presentation
Draft Final Report of Internationalized Registration Data Working Group27 October 2011PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Internationalized Registration Data
Measuring SSAC Work Impact27 October 2011Presentation
ICANN's Conflicts of Interest, Ethics and Confidentiality Practices27 October 2011Presentation
GAC Communiqué27 October 2011PresentationGNSO
IPv6 in Africa27 October 2011Presentation
ccNSO Framework of Interpretation Working Group (Fol) Agenda27 October 2011Agenda
Cross Community Working Group - Drafting Team Update27 October 2011PresentationGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Transcript Excerpt: ISPCP Update26 October 2011TranscriptGNSO, Council
DNSSEC .CZ26 October 2011Presentation
Introduction to the ICANN Address Supporting Organization26 October 2011PresentationGNSO, Council
NIC .sn26 October 2011Presentation
ccNSO Council Meeting Minutes26 October 2011Minutes
GNSO Council Public Meeting26 October 2011PresentationGNSO, Council