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The GNSO Library is an interface by which users can search for all GNSO related work products such as meeting minutes, MP3 recordings of meetings, GNSO Council agendas, Working Group reports, etc.  Each document is tagged with a predefined taxonomy as it is populated into the Drupal database.  The left-hand navigation provides quick links of a document type tagged by “classification” and results are displayed with the most recent instance.  A more robust search interface is offered below allowing for more granular search capability and use of keywords.

TitleDate Sort ascending ClassificationsEntities
关于提议的 过期域名恢复 政策制定流程最终报告的 执行摘要21 February 2011
Proposed Final Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy - Part B Policy Development Process21 February 2011Final, ReportGNSO, IRTP B, Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Proposition de rapport final sur le processus d'élaboration de politique concernant la récupération des noms de domaine après le21 February 2011
Policy Development Process Work Team Proposed Final Report & Recommendations (Without Annexes)21 February 2011ReportGNSO, Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Proposed Final Report on the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Policy Development Process Executive Summary21 February 2011Final, ReportGNSO, Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR), Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Proposed Final Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy - Part B Policy Development Process Executive Summary21 February 2011Final, ReportGNSO, IRTP B, Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Предлагаемый итоговый отчет Восстановление доменных имен с истекшим сроком действия Процесс разработки политики Сводное резюме21 February 2011
Policy Development Process Work Team Proposed Final Report & Recommendations21 February 2011ReportGNSO, Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Resumen Ejecutivo del Informe Final Propuesto sobre el Proceso de Desarrollo de Políticas para la Recuperación de Nombres de Dom21 February 2011
Proposed Final Report on the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Policy Development Process21 February 2011Final, ReportGNSO, Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR), Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
GNSO Council-Requested WHOIS Studies - February 2011 Update11 February 2011ReportGNSO, Council
Report to the GNSO Council on Whois Privacy and Proxy Relay & Reveal Studies - 11 February 201111 February 2011ReportGNSO, Council
Membership Growth August 2003 – February 201110 February 2011Report
Final Report of the Delegation, Re-delegation and Retirement Working Group of the ccNSO09 February 2011Final, Report
ccNSO / ALAC Liaison Report – ccNSO Council Meeting21 January 2011Report
Recommendations to Develop a Global Outreach Program to Broaden Participation in the GNSO21 January 2011ReportGNSO
DRDWG Re-Delegations Without Consent Report21 December 2010Report, Interim / Status
ccNSO Meeting Report Cartagena 7-8 December 201010 December 2010Announcement, Report
ccNSO Meeting Report Cartagena10 December 2010Report
President's Report06 December 2010Presentation, Final, Report
ATRT Draft Report - Overview & Preparation for Board / ATRT Meeting05 December 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Presentation, Report
JIG Draft Final Report on Single Character IDN TLDs04 December 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Final, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
DRDWG Fourth Progress Report, December, 201001 December 2010Report
Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Retirement Report Nov 201030 November 2010Report
Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Delegation Report Nov 201030 November 2010Report
DRDWG Third Progress Report November, 201030 November 2010Announcement, Report
Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Report on Re-delegations with Consent Nov 201030 November 2010Report
IDN PDP WG 1 Progress Report29 November 2010Final, Report
GNSO Council Voting Results Table (v1.2)22 November 2010ReportGNSO, Council
JIG Draft Final Report on Single Character IDN TLDs22 November 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
IDN PDP WG 2 Final Interim Report22 November 2010Final, Report, Interim / Status
Informe provisional del grupo de trabajo de datos de registro internacionalizados de ICANN15 November 2010
Providing Administrative Support Services to GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies15 November 2010ReportGNSO
التقرير المؤقت للمجموعة العاملة لبيانات التسجيل الدولية لمنظمة ICANN15 November 2010
互联网名称与数字地址分配机构 (ICANN) 国际化注册 数据工作组中期报告15 November 2010
Rapport provisoire du groupe de travail sur les données d’enregistrement internationalisées15 November 2010
Interim Report of the ICANN Internationalized Registration Data Working Group15 November 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Internationalized Registration Data
Промежуточный отчет Рабочей группы по интернационализированным регистрационным данным ICANN15 November 2010
Informe Provisorio sobre Integración Vertical entre - Registradores y Registros (Fase I)09 November 2010
JIG Final Report on Single Character IDN TLDs09 November 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Final, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
التقرير المؤقت حول التكامل الرأسي بين المسجلين والسجلات (المرحلة الأولى)09 November 2010
有关注册服务商 与注册管理机构之间 上下游融合的中期报告 (第一阶段)09 November 2010
Rapport intermédiaire sur l'intégration verticale entre bureaux d'enregistrement et registres (Phase 1)09 November 2010
Interim Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries (Phase I)09 November 2010Report, Interim / StatusGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Vertical Integration (VI)
Промежуточный отчет по вопросам вертикальной интеграции регистраторов и реестров (этап I)09 November 2010
ccNSO Council Nominations and Elections Report28 October 2010Announcement, Report
Proposed Discussion of Cross-SO/AC Policy Development Work28 October 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Policy, ReportGNSO
Update to GNSO Council Final Report on Improvements to the RAA28 October 2010Presentation, Final, ReportGNSO, Council
Update report on GNSO-requested WHOIS studies19 October 2010Presentation, Report, UpdateGNSO, Whois, Working Groups / Teams
Final Report on Proposals for Improvements to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement18 October 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), Working Groups / Teams
Итоговый отчет Предложения по улучшению Соглашения об аккредитации регистраторов18 October 2010
Informe Final sobre Mejoras Propuestas para el Acuerdo de Acreditación de Registradores18 October 2010
تقرير نھائي حول المقترحات الخاصة بالتحسينات على اتفاقية اعتماد المُسجل18 October 2010
有关改进注册服务商 委任协议的提案的最终报告18 October 2010
Rapport final sur les propositions d'améliorations de l'accord d’accréditation de bureaux d’enregistrement18 October 2010
Decision points IDN ccPDP version 3 - Clean15 October 2010Report
to GNSO Council on CWG Report on Recommendation 607 October 2010Presentation, ReportGNSO, Council, New gTLD, Working Groups / Teams
WHOIS Privacy and Proxy Abuse Study Staff Analysis05 October 2010ReportGNSO, Council, Whois, Working Groups / Teams
Excerpt from Draft Final Report - ­New gTLD Applicant Support (JAS WG)04 October 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Final, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
GNSO Council Project/Resource Management and GNSO Policy Staff Utilization28 September 2010ReportGNSO, Council
GNSO Council-Requested WHOIS Studies – September 2010 Update27 September 2010ReportGNSO, Council
New gTLD Applicant Support - Draft Recommendations Summary23 September 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO
Report on Implementation of GNSO New GTLD Recommendation #621 September 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Cross Community WG Discussing Recommendation 6 of the New gTLD Process (Rec6 CDG-WG)
Informe sobre la Implementación de la Recomendación Nro. 6 de la GNSO para los gTLD21 September 2010
Rapport sur L'implantation de la recommandation n°6 du GNSO sur les nouveaux gTLD21 September 2010
Report on Implementation of GNSO New GTLD Recommendation #6 21 September 2010ReportGNSO, New gTLD, Working Groups / Teams, Cross Community WG Discussing Recommendation 6 of the New gTLD Process (Rec6 CDG-WG)
Status Report on Implementation of GNSO New GTLD Recommendation #615 September 2010Report, Interim / StatusGNSO, New gTLD, Working Groups / Teams, Cross Community WG Discussing Recommendation 6 of the New gTLD Process (Rec6 CDG-WG)
Update to the GNSO Council VI Revised Initial Report26 August 2010ReportGNSO, Council, Working Groups / Teams, Vertical Integration (VI)
New gTLD Recommendation 6 Cross-Community Working Group Terms of Reference - Final25 August 2010Final, ReportGNSO, New gTLD
New gTLD Recommendation 6 Cross-Community Working Group Terms of Reference25 August 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, New gTLD, Working Groups / Teams
Informe Inicial Revisado sobre Integración Vertical Entre Registradores y Registros18 August 2010
New gTLD Recommendation 6 Cross-Community Working Group Terms of Reference18 August 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Rapport initial révisé sur l'intégration verticale entre registraires et registres18 August 2010
Revised Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries18 August 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Vertical Integration (VI)
GNSO Operating Procedures (v2.0; 5 August 2010)05 August 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
Inventory of WHOIS Service Requirements - Final Report29 July 2010Final, Report
JIG Initial Report on Single Character IDN TLDs26 July 2010Announcement, Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
Initial Report on Vertical Integration Between Registrars and Registries23 July 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Vertical Integration (VI)
RAP Final Report Conclusions and Recommendations13 July 2010ReportGNSO, Registration Abuse Policies (RAP), Working Groups / Teams
Councilor Term Expiration Report for December 201012 July 2010ReportGNSO
GNSO Improvements Key Milestones: 2008-201012 July 2010ReportGNSO
GNSO Improvements Key Milestones: 2008-201012 July 2010ReportGNSO
Strategy Discussion Report ccNSO Members Meeting Brussels, 23 June 201023 June 2010Announcement, Report
GNSO Work Prioritization Project List & Final Council Value Ratings23 June 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Ad-hoc Wildcard Study Working Group Final Report - 22 June 201022 June 2010Announcement, Final, Report
Ad-hoc Wildcard Study Working Group Draft Report21 June 2010Announcement, Draft / Initial / Preliminary, Report
Recommended Common Operating Principles and Participation Guidelines for GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies and Recommendations on a GNSO Database of Community Members for OSC Consideration19 June 2010ReportGNSO, Operations Steering Committee (OSC), Working Groups / Teams
ITEMS International Organisational Review of the ccNSO15 June 2010Announcement, Final, Report
Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Progress Report - 14 June 201014 June 2010Announcement, Report, Interim / Status
Delegation and Redelegation Working Group Analysis Report 14 June 201014 June 2010Announcement, Final, Report
GNSO Operating Procedures Proposed Chapter 5.0-SOI/DOI (OSC Draft v2)11 June 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Council Operations (OPS), Working Groups / Teams
Report on Extraordinary Nomination Period to the ccNSO Council for the North American Region 2 – 9 June 201009 June 2010Announcement, Report
DRDWG Progress Report - 3 June 201003 June 2010Announcement, Report, Interim / Status
ccNSO Communiqué – Brussels June 201001 June 2010Report
التقرير المبدئي الخاص بمرحلة ما بعد انتھاء فترة صلاحية استعادة اسم النطاق عملية تطوير السياسة الملخص التنفيذي31 五月 2010
过期域名恢复 政策制定流程 初步报告 执行摘要31 五月 2010
GNSO Working Group Guidelines31 五月 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Rapport initial sur la Récupération des noms de domaine après leur expiration Processus de développement de politique Résumé31 五月 2010
Initial Report on the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Policy Development Process31 五月 2010Draft / Initial / Preliminary, ReportGNSO, Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR), Policy Development Process (PDP), Working Groups / Teams
Initial Report on the Post‐Expiration Domain Name Recovery Policy Development Process Executive Summary31 五月 2010Final, ReportGNSO, Council