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Re: [ga] Nominating Committee Review

Danny Younger wrote:
Interisle Consulting Group, ...

Former ICANN Director Lyman Chapin is one of
Interisle's four principal consultants -- see

Before people jump too high, Lyman is one fine person and was a fine Director with a very high regard for the community of internet users and a very deep comprehension of the technology of the internet.

It is our misfortune that he, like most of ICANN's directors, was (or is) trapped and constrained by ICANN's ever deepening culture of substituting matutinal omphaloskepsis for true self introspection and the exchange of thin pleasantries for constructive discourse.

("matutinal omphaloskepsis" means contemplation of one's navel by the light of the rising sun.)

As Lyman was also one of the ICANN directors appointed
to the ICANN Evolution and Reform Committee that
created the "Nominating Committee",...

Yes, there is more than a wiff that, as is common in ICANN, that the reach for "external" actors is done with very short arms.

Your suggestion of recusal is well grounded.


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