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Re: [ga] price policy

Veni Markovski wrote:

I'd say that it's not the same if someone buys 1 million domain names at $ 1 each, or at $ 6 each. But in anycase - the bigger point is if ICANN should regulate or not. I asked Karl similar question, but haven't heard from him.

Simple answer - and the same one that I've been saying since 1997 --- It is *not* ICANN's role to regulate any aspect of business, economic, social or legal policy except insofar as there is a direct, clear, and compelling technical necessity.

In other words:

  - Trademark protection is not part of ICANN's job.

  - Regulation of unsolicited commercial email is not part of ICANN's job

- Evaluation of the business models of domain name registries and registrars (except perhaps for the legacy .com/.net/.edu/.org/) is not ICANN's job.

- Publication of Whois for the purposes of making the life of intellectual property attorneys easier is not ICANN's job.

On the other hand ICANN's job is to guarantee to the community of internet users that the upper tier of DNS transform DNS queries into DNS responses with dispatch, with no prejudice for or against anyone, without data mining, and in accord with widely accepted written internet technical standards.

And that is a job that ICANN is not doing. That is why ICANN is like an e-Fema and DNS is like New Orleans in the balmy summer days of 2005 before Katrina came over the horizon.


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