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RE: [ga] price policy

  • To: Veni Markovski <veni@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] price policy
  • From: Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 14:22:19 -0700
  • Cc: "Prophet Partners Inc." <Domains@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Web-Based Email 4.8.5

<div>I didn't take Ted's comment as comparing spam to murders. I
understood him to be referring to the&nbsp;desired
result&nbsp;-&nbsp;the likelihood that a floor price on domain names
will&nbsp;reduce spam. </div>
<div>But I do&nbsp;think your analogy to junk mail - spam through the post
- is&nbsp;a bad analogy. A spammer will pay once for a domain name
(figuring they cannot use it beyond a year,&nbsp;likely a lot less) and
the cost is spread out over millions of pieces of spam. So&nbsp;a floor
price on a domain name is going to increase their costs by&nbsp;a very
tiny amount per peice.<BR></div>
<div><BR>Tim <BR></div>
<DIV id=wmMessageComp name="wmMessageComp"><BR><BR>
blue 2px solid">-------- Original Message --------<BR>Subject: Re: [ga]
price policy<BR>From: Veni Markovski &lt;veni@xxxxxxxx&gt;<BR>Date: Tue,
October 10, 2006 3:41 pm<BR>To: "Prophet Partners Inc."
am just re-sending a message that businessmen have told me.<BR>But your
example is not quite right.<BR>For several reasons: legitimate
registrants could still register <BR>their domain name at $ 6 / year.
Or a little bit more. Now, if you <BR>tell me that people with half a
million domain names are legitimate, <BR>I'd agree with you, but for
them the price increase woud mean they <BR>have to change their
business model. Or the PPC companies will change <BR>it, as soon as
they think of a way to deal with these fake sites.<BR>In any case,
comparing spam to murders is somewhat over the edge. <BR>What about
spam mail that you get in your mailbox? If the stamp, <BR>envelope and
the letter were altogether 5 cents, you'd probably be <BR>getting much
more mail.<BR><BR><BR><BR>At 03:59 PM 10.10.2006 '?.' &nbsp;-0400,
Prophet Partners Inc. wrote:<BR>&gt;Hi Veni,<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;The
argument for increasing domain prices to reduce spam is the
equivalent<BR>&gt;of saying that prices for knives should be increased
to reduce the number of<BR>&gt;murders. Far more legitimate registrants
than spammers would be negatively<BR>&gt;impacted from such
changes.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Sincerely,<BR>&gt;Ted<BR>&gt;Prophet Partners
Markovski<BR>http://www.veni.com<BR><BR>check also my
blog:<BR>http://blog.veni.com </BLOCKQUOTE></DIV>

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