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[ga] GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting - Info

  • To: "ga" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting - Info
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 21:03:47 +0200

Dear all,

By this post I am opening our first GA issue 'Domain Tasting'.

We, on the GA, have so far collected a remarkable number of
contributions related to the issue that allows for further analysis of
the problem. We have also recognized that the core of the problem lies
in the AGP concept. That is why our effort could/should be primarily
focused on this concept. The view/evidence/facts gathered shoull result
in the Formal Resolution.

Aim of This Thread
This thread will contain general information/news related to the issue.
It should NOT contain factual contributions on specific aspects,
technical details, topics and concerns related to the issue. For this
purpose, specific threads discussing the aspects in detail shall be

So far the following aspects have been recognized and collected to
address and work on

AGP - Typo Corrections
AGP - Cart Hold
AGP - Fraud Remedies
AGP - Testing of Systems
AGP - Buyer's Remorse

I kindly invite you all to participate on the issue. During this initial
phase feel free to post (on this thread) contributions addressing
organizational ideas, tips, hints, and small improvements. The
organizational stuff, however, should be minimal to swiftly proceed with
the work.

In my opinion, the first thing to do is to collect/enrich the list of
aspects mentioned above. If the number is too high we can either select
those more significant or/and define some categories/groups under which
the aspects collected naturally falls. Upon completing this collection
the related threads shall be opened by the list moderator, with possible
consultation with the GA Chair and the GA List Monitors prior to
opening, if needed.

Thank you

Dominik Filipp, a list moderator for this GA issue

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