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RE: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution

  • To: "Hugh Dierker" <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx>, "Michael Collins" <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <debbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 19:38:49 +0200

Ok, thank you.


From: Hugh Dierker [mailto:hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 7:18 PM
To: Dominik Filipp; Michael Collins; debbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Joe
Cc: ga
Subject: RE: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution

I think this project requires as little interference as possible.
Posters working on a thread within the project context should be given
wide latitude in postings. Unless a problem arises that I do not
anticipate we will waive posting limits when appropriate.
The point is to not worry about it but spend all your time on issues at

Dominik Filipp <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

        Thank you for your interest.
        No, the sublevel thread structure is not fixed yet. Feel free to
collect and post other topics/issues you find worth considering in
separate threads different from the 'catch-all' one. I'll then try to
recollect them if necessary, or perhaps I'll prepare some categories...
        The only requirement here is to keep the overall number of
issue-related threads reasonably small. Otherwise, we soon could get
into confusion.
        Best regards

        From: Michael Collins [mailto:michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
        Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:39 PM
        To: Dominik Filipp; debbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 'Hugh Dierker';
'Joe Baptista'
        Cc: 'ga'
        Subject: RE: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution
        Thank you for volunteering to take on this task. It seems to me
that finding a solution to the problem of abusive tasting probably
requires consideration of all of the issues that have been identified
and assigned to a thread. Do you propose that discussion of solutions
for abusive tasting that take multiple issues into consideration use the
catch all thread?
        GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - Additional Topics and Views
        Best regards,
        Michael Collins
        Internet Commerce Association <http://www.internetcommerce.org/>

        From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Dominik Filipp
        Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 7:00 AM
        To: debbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Hugh Dierker; Joe Baptista
        Cc: ga
        Subject: RE: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution
        Hi Debbie,
        Yes, you are right. This was also my intention at the very
beginning. Ok, the newly proposed sublevel threads regarding the desired
granulation and topic importance could be
        GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - Typo Corrections
        GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - Cart Hold
        GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - Fraud Remedies
        GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - Testing of Systems
        GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - Buyer's Remorse
        and the catch-all thread (necessary)
        GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - Additional Topics and Views
        I, personally, would not prefix the subject title by 'Draft
Formal Resolution' text as it would make the subject title too long and
difficult to read. Also, the five sublevels above are of generic nature
and can be used for variety of purposes not just for the formal
resolution. I would instead open (later on) an additional thread after
collecting a sufficient number of contributions delivered to the five
generic threads, say
        GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - The Formal Resolution -
Draft I
        New threads can be opened (at the discretion of the moderator)
at any time if desired but I would like to restrict them to a reasonable
small number.
        Hope, I have also answered your second post.

        From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Debbie Garside
        Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 11:31 AM
        To: 'ga'
        Subject: RE: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution
        Hi Dominik
        This looks really good and I am quite happy with the posting
levels and organisational details you propose.  
        You may like to include the thread:
        AGP - Draft Formal Resolution - Issue 1/2/3.... etc...
        sooner rather than later so that we may work on the wording of
the document as issues are identified and agreed upon. 
        I would also propose that you include and manage a sub-level for
the two threads you have proposed as I am sure there will be a number of
separate issues pertaining to each thread.  This will make it a little
easier to track consensus on each issue, whilst also tracking other
opinions expresses and will ultimately assist with the writing of the
Formal Resolution.
        Good Luck!
        Best wishes


                From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dominik Filipp
                Sent: 17 April 2008 09:09
                To: Hugh Dierker
                Cc: ga
                Subject: RE: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution
                Eric and all,
                Ok, thank you. I will step forward for the organizing of
domain tasting related posts.
                Some my proposals
                1. At the beginning, I see your and the list monitors'
role to justify and approve the daily posting limit. I would propose to
go over to 10 posts per day/person for issue-related posts while keeping
the current 5 post limit for other posts; that is, 15 posts/person/day
collectively. Would it be ok?
                2. Then I, as a moderator, would initially open 2
threads with subjects
                GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP -
Registrars/Registries Concerns
                GA_ISSUE-001: Domain Tasting | AGP - Additional Topics
and Views
                a) "GA_ISSUE-" an issue-related-post identifier; this
can be used for private post filtering and internal mail organization
                b) "001" - the unique code of this first 'Domain
Tasting' issue (1000 - 1 possible issues opened should be sufficient :-)
                c) "Domain Tasting | AGP" - issue | category [|
subcategory...] etc.
                d) "- Registrars/Registries Concerns" - main thread
                These threads should collect facts/views/opinions on the
topics prior to preparing the final resolution, which will be another 3.
thread opened later on.
                Any ideas and/or wording corrections are appreciated.

                From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Hugh Dierker
                Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:25 PM
                To: ga
                Subject: Re: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution
                I find nothing disagreeable here. If some one will step
forward for the organizing of the contributions that would be our next
step (I cannot organize my socks into same color pairs so I am not the
one) If no one comes forth I will search out and find someone.
                Thank you both for your contributions.
                chris@xxxxxx wrote: 

                        Dominik, just tell me what you want me to do.
I'm all for option 3 without the extra chatter.
                        Chris McElroy

                                ----- Original Message ----- 
                                From: Dominik Filipp
                                To: Hugh Dierker
                                Cc: ga@gnso.icannorg
                                Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:38 AM
                                Subject: RE: [ga] AGP Formal Resolution
                                Eric and others,
                                The resolution should gain more support
within the GA to achieve al least a certain degree of credibility.
                                I've been taking the bull by the horns
for a while but this motion shouldn't be a one man's show but rather a
result of a comprehensible deliberation over the issue discussed here.
It all has started quite encouragingly with number of Chris's, Jeff's
and Karl's valuable contributions, just mentioning a few. But the people
here have apparently started feeling frustrated and the number of
relevant posts has decreased rapidly.
                                I understand that everyone is already
fed up with all that perpetual ignorance but I see three ways how to
proceed further. We can let things slide, or chatter about everything
during coffee breaks, or go into it. As for me, I am wavering between
the first and the third option. It depends on the overall support gained
here on the GA. Maybe some of us are feeling frustrated or a bit
paralyzed but I think the intellectual potential presented here is a
good basis for self-confidence. It is very likely that we were able to
collect more evidence than all other official bodies have done so far
collectively. In fact, only the registrars/registries were able to issue
relevant arguments worth considering and elaborating on. The rest is
mostly just a masquerade.
                                There is also another dimension to
consider; an attempt to build up and test a real bottom-up process to
find out whether this is doable at all. But the decision is, of course,
up to everyone.
                                Ok, stop chattering now. Eric, the
formal resolution will require some sort of minor management as well as
some small modifications to take into effect. It is likely that once the
motion gains more support the daily post limit will be found
insufficient. Also the resulting resolution will likely be seconded and
eventually issued as a pdf document, ok? I personally do not want to
discuss too much over the management details but rather get it running
and to correcting it on the fly.
                                I can moderate this issue on the GA. The
first step could be opening a thread on the issue. I would start with
the five registrars/registries concerns enumerated in the official
domain tasting report. Several posts sent here already address these
concerns more in detail so those can be further discussed or
                                Would it be acceptable?

                                From: Hugh Dierker
                                Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:23 AM
                                To: Dominik Filipp;
                                Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                Subject: Re: [ga] Formal resolution
                                Absolutely. Somehow we should start with
taking our header string and actually narrowing it down further as there
are some relevant yet innapplicable posts there.
                                The person - selfulfilling, most
interested in the matter should take the bull by the horns.
                                I of course will be here to assist as
will many other GA members. 
                                We will be heard if a credible
resolution is passed.

                                What about to prepare the more formal GA
resolution regarding the AGP
                                you have proposed?
                                We could start collecting relevant
points regarding this.
                                > From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
                                Behalf Of Hugh Dierker
                                > Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 8:18 PM
                                > To: debbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
                                > Subject: Re: [ga] List Rules
                                > ...
                                > We are at a point for the first time
in months,
                                > that the list is coalescing into the
form of
                                > producing a statement/motion. The AGP
                                > seems to have come to a head and more
                                > resolution procedures may be
                                > I believe it is at a motion stage with
4 seconds.
                                > If the desire is to move forward in a
                                > effective matter, we should hear that
from the members.
                                > Eric


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