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RE: [ga] Re: Proposal: Establishing a Registrant Advisory Committee

  • To: "Danny Younger" <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] Re: Proposal: Establishing a Registrant Advisory Committee
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:00:33 +0100


yes, you are right. I have just reviewed the ICANN structure chart and
realized that both the approaches are not necessarily incompatible as
they indeed can live together.

The only question is what the preference should look like. We should not
split the attention into two things but rather fully concentrate on one,
in my opinion.

I would prefer focusing on the registrant constituency to the registrant
advisory committee for two reasons. Firstly, it gives a full
participation (including vote) on GNSO issues and, secondly, we should
take advantage of the upcoming reforms planned in the GNSO in the near
future (GNSO Improvements Issue). See


where you can notice a motion towards something similar to registrant

But if you think the registrant advisory committee proposition could be
running in parallel, maybe you are right... but I personally doubt. We
can be discussing this further.


-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Younger [mailto:dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 2:04 PM
To: Dominik Filipp
Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ga] Re: Proposal: Establishing a Registrant Advisory


I understand that you seek a "fully-fledged Registrant Constituency with
all the voting power".  Such a proposition is not incompatible with the
establishment of an Advisory Committee.

For example, ICANN has an At-Large Advisory Committee
(ALAC) populated by representatives from noncommercial organizations.
The activities of the ALAC are not necessarily at odds with the
activities of the representatives of other non-commercial organizations
(the NCUC) within the GNSO.

This is not an either-or proposition.  A Registrant Advisory Committee
may readily function alongside a GNSO Registrant Constituency -- of
course, under the new GNSO Improvements paradigm, you will need to
decide whether to create a Commercial Registrants Constituency or a
Noncommercial Registrants Constituency or both.

best wishes,

--- Dominik Filipp <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Danny,
> I do not agree. Creating an Advisory Committee without voting power 
> makes no sense to me at all. It would just be yet another toothless 
> voice lost among many others incapable of influencing final decisions.
> Registrants/stakeholders must gain full support and respect within 
> ICANN they truly deserve.
> Dominik

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