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RE: [ga] Re: Proposal: Establishing a Registrant Advisory Committee

  • To: "Danny Younger" <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>, "Peter Dengate Thrush" <barrister@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] Re: Proposal: Establishing a Registrant Advisory Committee
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:46:47 +0100


I do not agree. Creating an Advisory Committee without voting power
makes no sense to me at all. It would just be yet another toothless
voice lost among many others incapable of influencing final decisions.
Registrants/stakeholders must gain full support and respect within ICANN
they truly deserve.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Danny Younger
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 12:44 AM
To: Peter Dengate Thrush
Cc: twomey@xxxxxxxxx; ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; At-Large Worldwide
Subject: [ga] Re: Proposal: Establishing a Registrant Advisory Committee


Thank you for your thoughtful reply.  I share your view of the
importance of feeding timely advice into the policy-making and
coordinating processes handled via the Supporting Organizations; this is
precisely what Advisory Committees are supposed to do.

I'm further appreciative of your assessment that an Advisory Body whose
sole focus is upon the needs of the general registrant community "may be
a useful development", and I will be happy to work with those on the GA
and NARALO lists that have already endorsed this concept to see it
carefully distinguished per the guidelines that you have tendered.

It is my expectation that a more formal proposal will be put forth in
advance of the Paris session that will clarify for the board the extent
of the interests that are not being properly served by the current

With regard to your query on the topic of registrar contracts, I look
forward to the self-regulatory activities that will be pursued by the
registrar community and believe that the guidance offered by such an AC
will doubtless facilitate work in the SO community to buttress that
self-regulatory effort through the consensus policy process.

Understanding that an Advisory Committee is, per the bylaws, a creation
of the board, it would have been presumptive and inappropriate to act to
self-form such a group, but I am willing to work with others to clarify
the AC's likely future membership and its goals in much the same manner
that the earlier At-Large Organizing Committee (ALOC) facilitated the
emergence of the ALAC; additionally, per your request a clear cost
benefit analysis will of course be provided.  

As bottom-up momentum is already developing with regard to this
proposal, it is my expectation that the clarity of purpose you seek will
soon emerge in upcoming discussions.

Thank you for sharing your views.  I look forward to further discussions
as needed.

best wishes,

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