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RE: [ga] Matthew Hooker from Los Angeles ICANN meeting

  • To: <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] Matthew Hooker from Los Angeles ICANN meeting
  • From: "Michael Collins" <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 17:13:06 -0500



You are correct that ICA cannot represent all registrants, not even all
business registrants. However, I don't see that as a problem. We represent a
group of mostly like-minded registrants that invest in and develop primarily
generic domain names. ICA is not trying to become an ICANN constituency,
just be a part of one.


I am not sure that we disagree, just clarifying our position, since you
close with a statement that is in line with our goals. Thank you for
considering our voice to be valuable.


Best regards,

Michael Collins

 <http://www.internetcommerce.org/> Internet Commerce Association

+1. 202 657 4570


From: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Jeffrey A. Williams
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 6:30 PM
To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: icann legal; twomey@xxxxxxxxx; Peter Dengate Thrush
Subject: Re: [ga] Matthew Hooker from Los Angeles ICANN meeting


Michael and all, 

  Thank you for posting and exercising your responsibility for your 
members.  One of the problems with the ICA is as you correctly 
stated it, ICA primarly represents ONLY commercial Domain name 
holders AND is seemingly only interested in becoming a member of 
the BC of the GNSO.  As such, the ICA can't possibly represent 
a majority of commercial registrants or for that matter small business 
Individual Registrants whom are fiercly and in my view, correctly 
Independant as well as the vast majority of Domain name registrants. 
Yet the ICA is a valuble voice, all be it limited that should be heard 
and considered withing the GNSO and subsequently ICANN. 


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