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  • To: Joop Teernstra <terastra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Authority , (was Re: [ga] [INS TLD KFC] PUBLICROOT REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE)
  • From: JFC Morfin <jefsey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 11:16:11 +0200

Dear Joop,
is there an authority to decide for the world if Picasso is a great or a bad painter? Naming is of the same nature. ICANN is only a Guide which tells the price it advises to pay Picasso painting. The TLDA is only a painter association. The MINC is a critic. What is missing is a Membuser (there are no member and we are indirect users) association to discuss with all of them. When you introduced the IDNO you only had the ICANN/DNSO welcome structure, open to constituencies.

Today we have the IGF, covering every ICANN issue and more, which works by Dynamic Coalition. If you want to join in the creation of an ICANN-GA Dynamic Coalition interested in the ICANN general management within the emerging new Internet Governance, you welcome. So is everyone else.


At 09:06 29/09/2007, Joop Teernstra wrote:

Joe and John,

You illustrate my point.

Once more: the question is

Where is the *universally accepted* (treaty?) authority that confers legitimacy on any "Root authority" or "central INS authority"?

The snippet of TLDA bylaws is not all that clear about making the TLDA an "authority" rather than a Trade Association that purports to make public an authoritative *file*.


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