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[ga] TLDA Director denys statements made by John Palmer

  • To: ga <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] TLDA Director denys statements made by John Palmer
  • From: Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:21:45 -0400


Karl Peters has asked that I distribute this message to all the groups John Palmer posted too. Mr. Peters is a director of the TLDA (Top Level Domain Association). Mr. Peters wishes to make a correction to misinformation spread about the TLDA in Mr. Palmers recent messages concerning the same. Please see the attached message from Mr. Peters.

kindest regards
joe baptista

Joe Baptista                                www.publicroot.org
PublicRoot Consortium
The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive,
Representative & Accountable to the Internet community @large.
 Office: +1 (202) 517-1593
    Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

--- Begin Message ---
  • To: "Baptista, Joe" <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [TLDA-Members] RE: Authority , (was Re: [ga] [INS TLD KFC] PUBLICROOT REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE)
  • From: "Karl E. Peters" <karl.peters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 07:51:27 -0400
> The bylaws say nothing about our claim to be the authority. It states that we
> are a trade organization of TLD holders and it gives our  OPINION and 
> about what direction we think the industry should take. Its our opinion and 
> nothing 
> else. Also, keep in mind that the byLaws are being completly re-written (by 
> myself,
> since no one else wants to do the work) - I assure you that the new byLaws 
> will 
> make it perfectly clear that we will make no such claim to be any authority. 

        Rest assured that the highligjhted text above must have been written in 
general frustration and before allowing the whole mind look it over. Our new 
by-laws will NOT be the product of any one person, nor is only one person doing 
the work now. This is a most unfortunate slip of hand that may well come back 
to haunt us for years to come, but is not true.

-Karl E. Peters

P.S. Joe, please share my message above with all the lists John's comments were 
shared on in the interest of fairness and truth...       Thanks...   -Karl

--- End Message ---
fn:Joe Baptista
org:PublicRoot Consortium
adr:;;963 Ford Street;Peterborough;Ontario;K9J 5V5 ;Canada
title:PublicRoot Representative
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