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[ga] The European Scam Story - setting the record straight with John Palmer and Joe Baptista

  • To: "Palmer, John" <jpalmer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] The European Scam Story - setting the record straight with John Palmer and Joe Baptista
  • From: Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:06:32 -0400

People - I've been waiting for this opportunity from Mr. Palmer. To address him on the GA. I think this is an appropriate place for a discussion of the HEX project in the Netherlands. HEX represents a significant fracturing of the Internet because of a name space scam operated out of the Netherlands between a number of people most of whom are now under investigation by the local authorities on the other side of the pond. I feel ICANN is to an extent responsible for this scam as are national governments like turkey. Even Vint Cerf knew what was going on. So did the turks. Even Paul Vixie fractured the Internet that year by providing root service to the Open Root Server Network.
However, before I go into a detailed reply to Mr. Palmer I must disclose 
and declare a direct or indirect conflict of interest between my 
position as monitor to this General Assembly and my association with Mr. 
Palmer.  I was once a volunteer, and later employee of INAIC and the 
PublicRoot Ltd in the U.K.  Mr. Palmer continues his participation with 
INAIC as an active member.  Furthermore, I was a member of the TLDA, Mr. 
Palmer continues to be a member of the TLDA.  Mr. Palmer is also a 
director of the TLDA and has held various positions at the TLDA.  And 
Mr. Palmer and I are directors in Planet Communications and Computing 
Facility, a canadian federal corporation.  etc. etc. etc.
With that said I don't think I'm in any position to act as a monitor on 
anything dealing with John Palmer and I therefore can not act on any 
complaints concerning John Palmer.  Thank god we have two moderators.  
Anyway, now that I have cleared with you the conflict of interest it is 
time I proceed to reply to Mr. Palmer.
Palmer, John wrote:

>Mr. Palmers organization (INAIC) claims it is "an international,
>not-for-profit, service agency organized and dedicated to the

I am a volunteer root operator for Public Root. I have nothing to do INAIC.
INAIC is not in any way, shape or form "my organization". I have nothing
to do with them and have no authority at all.

Mr. Baptista, in his usual fashion, is attempting to paint a picture to suit his
agenda, but unfortunatly, his picture lacks any real factual basis.

Mr. Palmer - please. You are a member of an organization that is the biggest alternative name space scam on the net. Shame! You continue to actively participate in this scam. Shame, shame, shame on you. And shame on me if I let you get away with it.
As for my position in this - my position is key as I am the one who blew 
the scam up back in 2005.  And you have never forgiven me for that.  How 
much money did you say in that email you sent me that you lost in this 
scam - $100,000?  Peanuts.  This is a multimillion dollar scam involving 
some of the biggest names in european business.  You sir have been 
providing criminals and money launders with root operations and lending 
them the credibility of your name.
Let us not forget I was hired by the INAIC, the scam you continue to 
participate and support, to provide guidance on behalf of the internet 
community and act as an ad hoc ombudsman to ensure the project was 
honest and remained true to the principles of the name space community.  
Remember those principles John?  That we would at all times be "Open, 
Transparent, Inclusive, Representative & Accountable" to the Internet 
Let us not forget Mr. Palmer that you and I were both involved in this 
scam since the year 2003.  However I refused to participate when I found 
out it was a scam.  Mr. Palmer unfortunately continues to be an active 
participant and appologist for the scam.
Now I consider Mr. Palmer and myself to be victims of this scam.  
However I refuse to play the role of victim and role over and play 
dead.  Unfortunately Mr. Palmer continues to play the role of fool as he 
rejects all the evidence presented to him of this scam.  Including 
recent disclosures of intentional fraud by his organization against 
trademark and brand name holders.
The General Assembly is of course aware of this recent scams too.  I 
have posted my notices of complaint here as I have posted them to other 
lists associated with the TLDA and other root systems.  The trademark 
holders affected by this scam are Philips Electronic, AkzoNobel the drug 
manufacturer, and KFC the kentucky fried chicken people over at Yum! 
Brands, Inc.  Mr. Palmer is aware of these recent scams.  He is fully 
informed having received supporting evidence in the form of emails 
directly from these multinational corporations who want Palmers 
organization INAIC to stop using their brand names without authorization.
He is fully aware.  But he continues to close his eyes to the truth and 
blindly provides them with services and what is left of his good name.  
For this John I say to you - SHAME!
Also let us not forget in closing who put an end to this scam.  Back in 
2005 the HEX scam in which Palmer is an active participant was earning 
about 70,000 to 100,000 USD per month.  I put the brakes on the scam in 
August of 2005.  The scams income was reduced to zero when I went public 
and blew the whistle.  Today the scam artist behind Palmer earns about 
1,000 USD per month.  People are still being scammed but at a much 
reduced rate.  And I take credit for that.
> The TLDA has made no such claim that we are any authority in the
> namespace. This is a false statement on his part.
>Mr. Palmer and I are at odds over this claim.  I claim Mr. Palmers has a
>direct conflict of interest between the TLDA and INAIC and is misleading
>this assembly with respect to the TLDA.  The TLDA has a clear policy
>governing it's authority over the Inclusive Name Space.  That authority
>of the TLDA is found under its bylaws being Article I section 5 and all
>of Article II.  Which see the archived bylaws
>----- By law snippet end
>I hope this clarifies the issues concerning the TLDAs authority.

The bylaws say nothing about our claim to be the authority. It states that we are a trade organization of TLD holders and it gives our OPINION and VIEWPOINT about what direction we think the industry should take. Its our opinion and nothing else. Also, keep in mind that the byLaws are being completly re-written (by myself, since no one else wants to do the work) - I assure you that the new byLaws will make it perfectly clear that we will make no such claim to be any authority.
Yes I have no doubt your rewriting the bylaws at a furious pace. At this stage I recognize the TLDA has essentially been captured. Two of the current directors - Mr. Palmer and Gene Marsh both have direct or indirect conflicts of interest between their roles on the TLDA and INAIC. Palmer is a root operator and an active volunteer of INAIC. Gene Marsh resigned his position as INAIC council member shortly after I went public. So theres a potential conflict there. Both of these directors at the TLDA have failed repeatedly to diclosure their conflicts to the board of the TLDA.
I dispute Mr. Palmers claim that the bylaws don't grant the TLDA 
authority.  Authority is in the bylaws defined by the proceedures to 
create an inclusive name space.  And that authority was granted the TLDA 
by the original group of 37 members that founded the TLDA.  That is 
where the authority for the inclusive name space resides - with the 
consent of this group.
joe baptista

Joe Baptista                                www.publicroot.org
PublicRoot Consortium
The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive,
Representative & Accountable to the Internet community @large.
 Office: +1 (202) 517-1593
    Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

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