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  • To: "Palmer, John" <jpalmer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Authority , (was Re: [ga] [INS TLD KFC] PUBLICROOT REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE)
  • From: Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 19:07:08 -0400

Palmer, John wrote:

At 03:52 28/09/2007, Joop Teernstra wrote:

    Claims to authority over new territory , such as a "name space",
    can arise bottom-up, and become legitimized by general acceptance
    of elected authority by the "colonists".
    This is American history.
Please be advised that Joe Baptista is NOT ASSOCIATED with the Top Level Domain Association in any way shape

or form. He is not a board member, officer or committee member, nor is he even a member of our organization. Please ignore any statements that he makes regarding the official position or opinions of the TLDA - he is not authorized to speak for the TLDA.

Mr. Palmer is absolutely correct. I am not a board member, officer, committee member or even a member in the organization. I am one of the original founding members of the organization and recently resigned over Mr. Palmer conduct and the TLDAs failure to bring him under control.

Mr. Palmer is a root operator for the INAIC / Public-Root - which see URL at:


Mr. Palmers organization (INAIC) claims it is "an international, not-for-profit, service agency organized and dedicated to the maintenance of public information resources that facilitate the coordination and resolution of global Top-Level Domain names through the Public-Root server system". This is a false claim as the TLDA is in fact recorgnized by what was the alternative root systems as an authority.

The TLDA has made no such claim that we are any authority in the namespace. This is a false statement on his part.

Mr. Palmer and I are at odds over this claim. I claim Mr. Palmers has a direct conflict of interest between the TLDA and INAIC and is misleading this assembly with respect to the TLDA. The TLDA has a clear policy governing it's authority over the Inclusive Name Space. That authority of the TLDA is found under its bylaws being Article I section 5 and all of Article II. Which see the archived bylaws


or the current stated bylaws at


for the record the bylaw section applicable to the TLDAs authority read as follows:

----- By law snippet start

  Section 5          Regions of Representation, Scope and Coverage

1.5.1 There shall be no formally acknowledged international regions. The TLDA has adopted a uniform policy of a single (One) global and universal region shared by, and comprised of all service providers, subscribers, and participants in the Internet's total singular and complete domain name space - the Inclusive Name Space.



           Section 1          Purpose

2.1.0 The following is the purpose for which this organization has been established:

2.1.1 A trade association for the benefit of Top Level Domain (TLD) holders.

           Section 2          Mission Statements

2.2.0 "The Top Level Domain Association Inc. is a trade association of Internet Top Level Domain (TLD) holders. This organization represents the interests of TLD Holders and will seek to foster cooperation among TLD holders and all of the Internet's various DNS root-level service providers to advance the cause of building a stable namespace. All eligible TLD holders are welcome to become members of the TLDA."

2.2.1 The TLDA shall publish various standards, protocols, and procedures that it recommends that pertain to the delegation and operational support of TLDs, including gTLDs and ccTLDs, and in an effort to facilitate a single, global name space on the Internet; for the registry and contact data of TLDs and for the technical policies and guidelines which ensure the preservation of Domain Registrant data.

2.2.2 The TLDA shall, as part of its charter, recognize that institutions and individuals alike, both freely and concurrently; have legitimate rights in the Internet name space that are not subject to arbitrary appropriation, and not necessarily based in trademark.

2.2.3 The TLDA shall work to ensure fair and equitable stability of the Internet, where both subscriber and provider access and services should remain open to all, and on a non-discriminatory manner.

           Section 3          Goals

2.3.0 The goals are to provide the following for its members: - A mechanism for fair resolution of TLD collisions and holder claims;

           - A mechanism for the fair resolution of TLD collisions;

- A single comprehensive compilation of all known, operational TLDs in a comprehensive and non-operational and publicly published file known as "The TapRoot", which shall contain the serviceable contact information for the TLD Holders or administrators responsible for the operational elements of each particular TLD as well as the most current authoritative nameservers for each particular TLD and can be referenced as the recommended authoritative document by all root-level service providers for the purpose of providing accurate Authoritative DNS zone information by Internet service providers;

- Standards and best practices for the operation and management of TLD;

- Education and information to the public and membership regarding the role of TLDs and their operation and management;

- A liaison between TLD holders and root managers to assist in providing choice to the Internet community without collisions in the Internet name space;

- Assistance in the maintenance of stability of the Internet; promote the idea that the users and registrants of domain names are the reason for the existence of domain names and the TLDA;

- Issue statements of perceived compliance with the standards and practices recommended by the TLDA for each known operational TLD and the various root-level service providers as well as to what degree such compliance with TLDA recommended standards and practices are adopted by or adhered to by each TLD Holder and the various root-level service providers; and

- Be an advocate for the TLD industry: an industry with real businesses and employees that is part of the Internet's and the world's global economy.

----- By law snippet end

I hope this clarifies the issues concerning the TLDAs authority.

joe baptista

Any information about the TLDA can be found at _www.tlda.org_ <outbind://18/www.tlda.org>. Please verify all claims about our position with the official information on our website.


John Palmer
Member - TLDA Board of Directors.

Joe Baptista                                www.publicroot.org
PublicRoot Consortium
The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive,
Representative & Accountable to the Internet community @large.
 Office: +1 (202) 517-1593
    Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

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org:PublicRoot Consortium
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