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  • To: <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: Authority , (was Re: [ga] [INS TLD KFC] PUBLICROOT REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE)
  • From: "Palmer, John" <jpalmer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 13:41:01 -0500

At 03:52 28/09/2007, Joop Teernstra wrote: 

        Claims to authority over new territory , such as a "name space",
can arise bottom-up, and become legitimized by general acceptance of
elected authority by the "colonists".
        This is American history. 

Please be advised that Joe Baptista is NOT ASSOCIATED with the Top Level
Domain Association in any way shape

or form. He is not a board member, officer or committee member, nor is
he even a member of our organization. Please ignore any statements that
he makes regarding the official position or opinions of the TLDA - he is
not authorized to speak for the TLDA.

The TLDA has made no such claim that we are any authority in the
namespace. This is a false statement on his part.

Any information about the TLDA can be found at www.tlda.org
<outbind://18/www.tlda.org> . Please verify all claims about our
position with the official information on our website.


John Palmer
Member - TLDA Board of Directors.


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